Killing time at DIA

My luggage was stuck somewhere between the airplane and the caroussel so I decided to look around and take some photos. I think the architecture at Denver International Airport (DIA) is quite amazing so I tried to capture it. Please give me some pointers as to how to make these shots better (more contrast? warmer color tone?, etc.)


I like the first shot but would probably shoot it over the balcony or
perhaps nearer the escalator so the expanse of the terminal was more
evident. The fountain is bulls-eye'd. Which is near impossible to avoid
unless you get closer to the balcony. For me, my eye is drawn immediately
to the fountain instead of the expanse of the terminal. Exposure and focus
are nicely done--maybe a tad negative EV would help the tent structure?
The second shot doesn't really do much for me. But, the composition is
nice. I think one way to improve the shot is to make the signage stand out
by using a WA lens. This would also allow a wider field of view so that the
sign pointed where to go.
Now the this third shot has a very high cool factor. If you've seen the cover
from the old "War of the Worlds" CD, this looks like it could be an alien ship.
Again, the DOF is great on this shot. Crisp from front to back.
Architecture is a hard subject to capture well. You've got some nice shots
that demonstrate DIA's unique style.
you were able to take photos without being questioned?
The lighting is very interesting, but a little "yellow" perhaps, just a tint of it? Could be my monitor, so I'm just reporting what I see
That is some fountain! I love the "tent" too. The airport sure does look empty, what time did you take the photos?
Hope your luggage showed up.
I like the colors on the railing too. Next time I fly it would be worth a stop in Denver just to see this airport.
Nice job!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Thank you very much for all your comments. They are very constructive!
I was struggling with how much exposure to give on the first shot. I think I was borderline there. a tad negative EV should emphasize more of the geometry. It was everything I could do to keep this shot steady while handholding the camera. Hard to keep the symmetry without stepping unto the elevator. I think a wider lens might have helped here though (see next statement).
I've got my eye on the Canon 10-22 mm for wide angle shots (I just really love the photos Gubb took recently with that lens).
I thought the third shot also had this "alien" look to it although I wasn't sure from where the image came to mind. I wonder what they'll look like in the new version of War of the Worlds.
Thanks again,
Thanks for the comments!