DSS #25 Image Feedback
I wasn't able to shoot my original idea, but there were a few shots from my nieces Christening last weekend that fit the theme.
Below is one of my favorites, I'm curious if you all like it better in color or B/W?
Thanks, Mike

Below is one of my favorites, I'm curious if you all like it better in color or B/W?
Thanks, Mike


I prefer the b&w. While the color in the baby's face in hair is quite nice, the vibrancy of the magenta vs the green in the rest of the color version tends to pull the eye away from the focus of the image. Could I also suggest that you try cropping the photo on the bottom to just below the baby's fingers and on the left to just behind the lady's ear. This would put more focus on the baby's face. Also, a slight darkening of the rails behind the baby's head would eliminate another distraction.
Hi Mike..
I like the black and white too for the same reasons.. it draws the attention to the face, yes,,
and I agree with Halite on the crop on the arm too, up to right below the baby's fingers and definitely crop that third railing out that is right by the adults head to the left
Much Much better on the rework.... I just love the baby, gorgeous baby..
one more suggestion.. burn in the light spots on the adults head, they look like bald spots..
nice work..
??? I don't see it
My SmugMug
The baby's dress looks blown out to me. Histograms and setting a white point indicate it is not, but I was wondering if you all felt it was to bright, or like it as is?
Toning it down helps preserve its detail, but as-is gives a better range of tones.
Oh duh, I was looking at the baby, I see what you mean. yea, that needs some work.
Detail would be nice, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to to get too dark. I feel like the light quality adds to the purity, therefore the fair, aspect.
My SmugMug
I wouldn't lighten them, since it's the brightness of the rails contrasting with the carpet that draws the eye away from the baby. So I would suggest darkening them to reduce that contrast. Here's a short tutorial on how to do a non-destructive burn of those areas:
If you're gentle around the hair, you should be able to reduce the contrast of these rails without doing too much unwanted altering of the hair. If you want to go further you'll need to do a layer mask to focus the burning just on the rails. Selecting the rail around the adult's hair would be relatively easy since the contrast is so high. It's harder to do around the baby's hair since the tones are much more similar. You might be able to tease out enough additional contrast to make a good selection of the rail by using a temporary levels or curves layer to dramatically increase the contrast between the rail tone and the tone of the baby's hair. Once you've made your mask, you just discard the temporary levels or curves layer so it has no lasting impact on the final image. Good luck.
Your choice, of course, but I would probably crop a wee bit off the top of the image to eliminate as much of the rails as possible. For me, the tips of the lady's hair is unimportant to the message of the image, and a tighter crop doesn't look claustrophobic to my eye.
I like it... You did a great job on the rework and the crop is much nicer and pulls us right to the baby.. I love those catch lights in her eyes.. well done and best of luck to you..