Baby Osprey Photo, new! good, just one
photo, only one, I mean why bother.............. But this one, IT IS A BOY! I can tell, he looks just like his dad. His mom is napping, but he is giving me his dad's evil eyes: right at me! ginger:D

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Exif data so presume you shot at high ISO or maybe rescued the highlights
in PS?
The vantage point you've got is great too. Is there a chance of getting back
in more favorable light?
That is the link to the gallery it is in, plus the beach shots, only 3 pages, just started it tonight.
I took that shot pretty early in shooting them, as the ISO was still at 400, but it was at f 11, like I remembered setting it. It says 420 mm, that tells me that I only had the 1.4 extender on, and I was using AF. That is how I know it was early, I put both extenders on after awhile.
I was still in the car, too, so I had lots of support. I got out of the car, when I put the other extender on.
I am trying to work on a series of just women at the beach, interesting.
And I know no one on the people thread. No one will look. there.
Thanks so much, Ian, for commenting. I guess I will have to NOT shoot my birds from that spot again. Coming the other way I am not across the highway, but I am further down. Can't shoot straight up, so not close no matter what. Only raptors nesting in this area, that I know about and can follow.
the male really does not like me, and I have not yelled at him. I used to be able to out wait him, doesn't work anymore. He knows my car, too.
I never knew before how intelligent these birds can be. And the baby, he is a male! Gotta be.....
I know it is not a great shot, none of the raptor shots are. Too far away. But I feel fortunate in having had the chance to watch this whole "baby" process.
He, I don't know if there are more osprey babies, but he is just starting to look like a bird. Before he looked like some prehistoric featherless lizard. Interesting that his eyes are red
Thanks for stopping and commenting. Interesting that he waited til his mother was asleep on her feet, to give me the old evil look that they are so good at.
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