Unique/Perplexing Color Profile issue?

Hi All:
I'm having a color profile issue that's perplexing the heck out of me, and I'm hoping (/begging) that someone can set me straight. I am fairly well-versed in color management, and have tried to find answers elsewhere before posting here.
Relevant Info:
- I'm using the latest versions of Mac OS X and Adobe Photoshop CS4.
- The color settings of my CS4 applications are synchronized using N. American Gen. Purpose 2
- My monitor has been calibrated, and is currently using the resulting profile (via Spyder 2)
Here's my issue:
- I open an sRGB image in Photoshop CS4, but when I go to Edit > Convert to Profile and choose "sRGB...," the preview shows a very noticeable difference—even though the source space and the destination space are identical (sRGB...). ???
- When I click "OK" — the dialog box closes and the image reverts back to how it originally looked (i.e. not how it looked with the "Preview" box checked). ???
- When I set up custom soft-proof setting to sRGB, and then select View > Proof Colors, the image appears as it did with the color profile box open and the Preview button checked. ???
Why is this happening? I've used this same image file to try to replicate this issue on my brand-new MacBook (which also has a calibrated screen and identical Photoshop settings), but my MacBook behaves as I would expect— i.e. there is ZERO visible difference between the image as viewed in PS and the image as viewed in the "Convert to Profile" dialog box (with "Preview" box checked). This is how it should behave, right? The image is already in sRGB, so converting to sRGB should do nothing, right?
Is there something in my ColorSync settings on my MacPro that could be causing this issue? Any other ideas?
I'm desperate to figure this one out, and would greatly appreciate any help!
I'm having a color profile issue that's perplexing the heck out of me, and I'm hoping (/begging) that someone can set me straight. I am fairly well-versed in color management, and have tried to find answers elsewhere before posting here.
Relevant Info:
- I'm using the latest versions of Mac OS X and Adobe Photoshop CS4.
- The color settings of my CS4 applications are synchronized using N. American Gen. Purpose 2
- My monitor has been calibrated, and is currently using the resulting profile (via Spyder 2)
Here's my issue:
- I open an sRGB image in Photoshop CS4, but when I go to Edit > Convert to Profile and choose "sRGB...," the preview shows a very noticeable difference—even though the source space and the destination space are identical (sRGB...). ???
- When I click "OK" — the dialog box closes and the image reverts back to how it originally looked (i.e. not how it looked with the "Preview" box checked). ???
- When I set up custom soft-proof setting to sRGB, and then select View > Proof Colors, the image appears as it did with the color profile box open and the Preview button checked. ???
Why is this happening? I've used this same image file to try to replicate this issue on my brand-new MacBook (which also has a calibrated screen and identical Photoshop settings), but my MacBook behaves as I would expect— i.e. there is ZERO visible difference between the image as viewed in PS and the image as viewed in the "Convert to Profile" dialog box (with "Preview" box checked). This is how it should behave, right? The image is already in sRGB, so converting to sRGB should do nothing, right?
Is there something in my ColorSync settings on my MacPro that could be causing this issue? Any other ideas?
I'm desperate to figure this one out, and would greatly appreciate any help!
Feel free to add any info here if you know something that might have caused this.