Bay Photo Color Correction Question

I just shot a high school prom about a week ago, and when shooting the dance and march portion of it I used a 1/4 CTO gel on my flash to give me warm skin tones and to compliment the ambient light better, which was colored spotlights all around the room. So in generall the shots that I took in that area have noticeably warm skin tones, without being over the top, as well as various colored background lights. I have just shipped an order with one of these prints in it, and I left color correction on. Now I'm sort of worried... will the color correction produce a "neutral" print that looks totally different than what the customer saw on their monitor? I know that Bay Photo color correction is done by hand rather than automated, so do the technicians take things like this into account? I guess I should have ordered some test prints to find out but I wanted to get the photos up on my site an available to the students and parents as soon as possible.
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Thanks Andy! That's kind of what I expected, but I figured I'd double check.