Another brick in the wall.....
Hi, Just got back from the UK - had a few days in the Lake District - still amazed by the extent and workmanship in all the dry stone walls. This one has been around for a while judging by all the lichen on it.

Would also appreciate any comment on this one - it is my first attempt! Does it 'do anything'? Should I have left it as pure B&W?

Thanks for looking - C&C always welcome.
Cheers, Richard.

Would also appreciate any comment on this one - it is my first attempt! Does it 'do anything'? Should I have left it as pure B&W?

Thanks for looking - C&C always welcome.
Cheers, Richard.
Odd numbers make for better composition than even numbers. Two of what ever tends to divide your attention.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Cheers, Richard.
Cheers, Richard.
Personally I wouldn't selective color with it at all.
IMHO doesn't do the image justice.
But thats just me.
Hi Richard,
I too prefer the colour shot over the B&W+S.
I think the orginal shot looks great the way it is
.... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Cheers, Richard.
Cheers, Richard.
twitter: @milanovec
click the image for EXIF
Cheers, Richard
Hi Slinky - thanks for your feedback. I had only just learnt how to do selective so it was my first attempt - probably not the best shot to try it out on. I like the overall texture in 'your' wall.:D
Cheers, Richard.
Selective color can be very successful, especially with shots for occasions such as a wedding or prom. I like doing something sort of like selective color, but instead of making the photo black and white, I mute all the colors that I don't want so they appear super dull, but they are still in color. I'll see if i can find an example.