Wordpress/Smugmug PlugIn: SmugPress
I was wondering if anyone was interested in a WordPress plug-in that integrates WordPress and Smugmug. I'm developing one, which I am calling SmugPress (best get the name before anyone else!!!).
You can see the front-end of the site at http://alangraham.co.uk/
1 page of the back-end is shown in the screengrab below.
There are quite a few bugs I need to iron out, however it is all more-or-less working. If you know a bit of PHP, and use WordPress, then I'm eager to distribute versions of this (just needs a little bit of tidying up!).
Currently you have to upload using SmugMug, however once I work out how to do that via the WordPress admin interface, it'll mean you can fully host and manage photo blogs within WordPress, while the photo-blog images are hosted on SmugMug.

Anyway, let me know if you are interested....
I was wondering if anyone was interested in a WordPress plug-in that integrates WordPress and Smugmug. I'm developing one, which I am calling SmugPress (best get the name before anyone else!!!).
You can see the front-end of the site at http://alangraham.co.uk/
1 page of the back-end is shown in the screengrab below.
There are quite a few bugs I need to iron out, however it is all more-or-less working. If you know a bit of PHP, and use WordPress, then I'm eager to distribute versions of this (just needs a little bit of tidying up!).
Currently you have to upload using SmugMug, however once I work out how to do that via the WordPress admin interface, it'll mean you can fully host and manage photo blogs within WordPress, while the photo-blog images are hosted on SmugMug.

Anyway, let me know if you are interested....
looks very nice. I would like to try it out, but I don't have much time and probably won't use it very much.
Nevertheless I could put some content on my homepage, because I still haven't managed to build some kind of homepage.
SmugMug Support Hero
Please do share! I'd like to use it as the basis for creating some alternative gallery layouts.
michael [at] themcdaniels [dot] net
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What don't you do man? I mean seriously!
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
It's something you need to host elsewhere and link the photos to smugmug?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
So I don't think that SmugPress would be a problem, whereas 'SmugmugPress' would not be OK.
This is my read of it anyhow (hoping, I have a number of Smug* things in the works.... :-S
But of course, it's up to Don and Blady...
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
I just saw this post and I recognize it is old. Is there anything going on now? If so I am interested in finding about it and learning about Wordpress and Smugmug working together, if that is possible.
Thanks for any information that you might give me.
Does anyone have any more information about this plugin?
My Smugmug Gallery
My Photo Blog
Really want to try this out
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
I know this is an old post, but I'm very interested, as well...
Scan Cafe: let the pros do it
I started mailing him, and it seems he was not aware everybody was so interested, so I bugged him and he will start working again. It will be released in about 2 weeks as a wordpress plugin under GPL. So we can have it under hacks maybe?
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Good news! Thanks for the effort. I thought that this had fallen in a hole somewhere.
This is so cool! Excuse me if this is a stupid question (I usually get these "great" ideas with no knowledge of what is really involved), but I am wondering if I will be able to link MP3 posts from my Smugmug Wordpress blog? I know they would have to be hosted somewhere else, like on my GoDaddy hosting account, right?
The reason I ask is because I want to do "podcasts" and feature them on my blog that will be featured as part of my Smugmug business.
Scan Cafe: let the pros do it
Sorry everybody, I had not been following DGrin in a while.
Yes every photo post on http://alangraham.co.uk is linked with smugmug. The image is held in a smugmug album but is referred via my own installation of WordPress. This means that I my smugmug accounts host the images (and the disk space/bandwidth costs that relate to this).
I have to manually upload the images to smugmug, which I do online through adding the upload page for that album to my favourites.
Once the image is uploaded I can graphically choose which image I want to blog about, it then creates a post which is "tied" to this image through the use of custom properties. As I prefer to have full control of my images I tend to upload them already sized to fit my blog (650 pixels wide or smaller).
I will try and have the code ready for 10 days time. I have not tested it in any other version of Wordpress other than the one I have!
Welcome back:D Which version of Wordpress do you have anyhow?
Kewl!! I just stumbled upon this thread
I have also tied in Smugmug into my WordPress blog. It did not require an extra plugin or extra coding.
In your WordPress installation directory, there is this file:
This allows you to import rss feeds.
I modified the import-rss.php (as is described inside the file itself), put some protection around it (so that other people won't start importing into my blog
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I have WordPress v1.5.1. Is that old?
I'm running 1.5.2. I'm not planning to upgrade soon. It works fine for me as it is now.
Mike, what functionality is improved over 1.5 that is really usefull for someone reading the blog, or what new services are added?
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Your blog tie-in to your smugmug site is awesome. I just hooked up with wordpress (I was using blogspot... wordpress seems a lot better though) and will try to mess around this weekend (after taxes-- groan-- of course) to see if I can do something similar.
I'm continually amazed at what kind of hacks people here come up with-- and like many others-- I'd be very interested in tips or code that helps implement the wordpress/smugmug concept.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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