Digital Download Gallery

rlennon12rlennon12 Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
edited June 6, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Hello, first time posting here, but was curious about the Paypal option. If I were to sign up with a Pro account, I would like to know if it is possible to enable Paypal to download entire galleries.

For example, I do a lot of work for overseas clients primarily Newspapers. Would I be able to set up a gallery for the editior to view, him/her to add specific photos to the shopping cart and download those images and pay me via Paypal for a fixed amount?

Thanks for your help


  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2009
    rlennon12 wrote:
    Hello, first time posting here, but was curious about the Paypal option. If I were to sign up with a Pro account, I would like to know if it is possible to enable Paypal to download entire galleries.

    For example, I do a lot of work for overseas clients primarily Newspapers. Would I be able to set up a gallery for the editior to view, him/her to add specific photos to the shopping cart and download those images and pay me via Paypal for a fixed amount?

    Thanks for your help
    Hi Ray and welcome to Dgrin! wave.gif

    With our Pro account, we offer the digital download feature via our cart. We don't support PayPal, only credit cards.
    If you would like accept PayPal on your SmugMug site, you would have to use your own shopping cart. In this case, you couldn't use our cart or our digital download feature. You would have to come up with your own system to make them available to your customer or email them to him.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • ottsworldottsworld Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited May 17, 2009
    Digital Download only?
    Hi, I had a slightly different quesiton about digital downloads that I"m hoping you can help me with.
    Using a pro account, is it possible to only offer digital downloads and no printing from the smugmug shopping cart? Also - what kind of notification to you recieve when someone purchases a digital download. How do I know that a sale was made?
  • jandrewnelsonjandrewnelson Registered Users Posts: 300 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2009
    ottsworld wrote:
    Hi, I had a slightly different quesiton about digital downloads that I"m hoping you can help me with.
    Using a pro account, is it possible to only offer digital downloads and no printing from the smugmug shopping cart? Also - what kind of notification to you recieve when someone purchases a digital download. How do I know that a sale was made?

    Good question. I'm all ears too.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited May 27, 2009
    ottsworld wrote:
    Using a pro account, is it possible to only offer digital downloads and no printing from the smugmug shopping cart?
    Yes. Set the prices for everything else to 0.

    Also see "Prevent at cost sales" on the pricing page,

    --- Denise
  • soccerjoe5soccerjoe5 Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited June 6, 2009
    Hi. I'd also like a way to enable downloading entire galleries. :D

    Let's say I make a gallery for a client for proofing. She says OK. I want to be able to enable a client to download the entire gallery for example, instead of him/her having to click each photo and download OR waiting for me to deliver his/her DVD(s).

    Any way to make this happen? headscratch.gif

    EDIT: Oh, I want to be able to enable downloading galleries WITHOUT extra software. Having to download and install software would be a hassle for my clients.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited June 6, 2009
    soccerjoe5 wrote:
    EDIT: Oh, I want to be able to enable downloading galleries WITHOUT extra software. Having to download and install software would be a hassle for my clients.
    I don't believe there is currently any way to do this solely withiin smug.

    One option would be for you to request a DVD backup of this customer's gallery and then send it to her, charging whatever is appropriate for the service (at least to recover your costs).

    I just posted an answer to your essentially duplicate question at - the question minus the requrement that an extra application not be installed. Please don't post the same question in two places - all that does is make extra work for the helpers here.

    --- Denise
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