Should I buy photoshop?

Do you think I should buy photoshop or no? I have some experience in it, but I'm wondering if I should or not? I think I'm hoping to go to college for a visual communications design sometime in future, but I don't have photoshop. What do you think I should do?
Absolutely. Ps is the industry standard, and anyone contemplating a career in design should start learning it, the sooner the better. It can take a while to acquire even a modicum of skill with it, and, as to mastering it, well, I don't know how long that takes. I haven't got there yet.
And for a career in design, you might want to think about learning Illustrator as well. You really need both.
Thunder Rabbit GRFX
I do graphic design work, and you're going to want to know Photoshop it's a requirement for 100% of the design jobs I've ever seen posted. Illustrator is a great program, but I'm only now getting aclimated to it and would recommend you dive in with both feet and start learning it now along with Photoshop so you're one step ahead when classes start. (Illustrator is typically listed as a plus in Job Listings, but sometimes a requirement as well).
If you can afford it, consider going for a Creative Suite package. You're going to need to know a page layout program as well, and Adobe's InDesign is lightyears ahead of Quark (despite being a newer program). With those 3 programs, you will be able to just about anything and everything you need to and getting them as part of one of the Creative Suite packages that Adobe offers will save you money.
It is expensive though... try looking into taking a free/cheap class over the summer so you can take advantage of the student discounts Adobe offers.
SmugMug QA
My Photos
Ditto on looking for student discounts. I purchased Ps CS3 and Lr2 online at deep student discounts.
It's been decades since I've been in school, but my five year old is in kindergarten, which legitimately qualified me to purchase them at the student discount price.
Student discount policies vary, but in general are very generous.
Thunder Rabbit GRFX