Palm Springs Air Museum.

This is a nice museum in the dessert resort town of Palm Springs. They mainly have WWII planes and all of them fly too IIRC. Another LAShooter member and I paid a visit and I think I got stuck mostly on the B17 G. What a grand bird. Here are some shots from that day.
1.C 47 Skytrain. IIRC. I think they just flew it or taxied it as it smelled of fuel and the engines were dripping oil.

2. Backlight.

3. Relfections.

5. B 17 against a mural.

6. Bomb Bay, or is it Mumbai now,

7. Ball Turret.

8. From the enterance looking toward the nose where the navigator sits. Nice view.

9. Looking from the tail toward the left gunner's 50 cal.

10. Ducky taking a break in front of the B 17.

Entire gallery is here.
1.C 47 Skytrain. IIRC. I think they just flew it or taxied it as it smelled of fuel and the engines were dripping oil.

2. Backlight.

3. Relfections.

5. B 17 against a mural.

6. Bomb Bay, or is it Mumbai now,

7. Ball Turret.

8. From the enterance looking toward the nose where the navigator sits. Nice view.

9. Looking from the tail toward the left gunner's 50 cal.

10. Ducky taking a break in front of the B 17.

Entire gallery is here.
Great collection of shots, Tom, really nice work in your gallery as well. I really like the reflection shot, the old fire bottle in the frame really sets it off well.