Fort Worth Japanese Gardens II________IR

Howdy All,
Another one from the Outing at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens in which the Japanese Gardens are located.
Such a wonderful tranquil area, so hard to believe it's in the middle of the bustling City.

Thanks for looking, shot with modded D70S by LifePixel
Another one from the Outing at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens in which the Japanese Gardens are located.
Such a wonderful tranquil area, so hard to believe it's in the middle of the bustling City.

Thanks for looking, shot with modded D70S by LifePixel
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
You have a great one here. The different tonalities between the various types of flora really stand out. Very nicely done, my friend.
Take care,
I always enjoy your work. It's been over 30 years since I've been there. Looks like I need to plan a trip there.
Facebook Fan Page
You've really got a winner here. As Tom said the different tones in the flora cause the eye to pause and enjoy each one rather than simply take in the whole and move on.
Be Well
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Morning Tom,
Thank you very much, such a beautiful place to see and shoot.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Randy,
Oh My, with your wonderful eye and technique, you'd love it there. They do restrict the shooters by not allowing tripods, but if you are a member of the FWCC you can not only use Tripods, but get in free:D We used to be members but wandered down a different path:D I'd say for the 3.00 admission fee it's one of the best bargins in Town, also they have the Spring and Winter Festivals there, and the place even shines more. The Fall Foliage of the Red Maples makes the place look like it's on Fire, so no more excuses!!!
Burleson, Texas
Thank You Dan!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Anthony,
Thank you very much, it's just such a beautiful place to see and shoot, so much for the eye and senses to take in.
Seems like everytime we go, we always say why did we wait so long:D
Burleson, Texas
Howdy John,
Thank you very much. There was just so many different type of Plants, Shrubs, and Trees, along with the beautiful water features. Like I wrote Randy, for 3 bucks, what a bargain:D:D:D
Have A Great Weekend!!
Burleson, Texas
Top to bottom. Just excellent.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Beautiful Craig, colours are great, love the detail.
The plants right at the front look like feathers
Nicely done..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks Very Much!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Kevin,
You'll love it there, especially if you come in during the Fall Festival and the beautiful Maples are in full color.
Thanks much for the Kind reply.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Skippy,
So good to see you posting again, loved your IR beach shots.
Burleson, Texas