Another way to get even.

So by now yall know I like funny stuff and creative ways to get even that aren't harmfull. Well this one is one I came upon by accident.
Now we all have them. There careless friend who forgets everything, appointments, anniversaries, birthdays, you name it. Well next time you see this friend (as long as they have a significate other) go up to them and say. "So what did you and (significant others name here) do for his/hers birthday last weekend". Then if you are lucky which you prolly will be you will be delighted to see the deer caught in the headlights look as they try to figure things out. The ditzy office manager just did this to the boss (she actually thought the birthday was last weekend) and almost gave him a heart attack. Then he realized his wifes birthday was 6 months ago. :rofl
Now we all have them. There careless friend who forgets everything, appointments, anniversaries, birthdays, you name it. Well next time you see this friend (as long as they have a significate other) go up to them and say. "So what did you and (significant others name here) do for his/hers birthday last weekend". Then if you are lucky which you prolly will be you will be delighted to see the deer caught in the headlights look as they try to figure things out. The ditzy office manager just did this to the boss (she actually thought the birthday was last weekend) and almost gave him a heart attack. Then he realized his wifes birthday was 6 months ago. :rofl
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.