Food For Thought
I took some pics at my in-laws B&B this weekend. They were looking to add some new stuff to their website and asked if I would like to try and take some pics of their food. Me never trying it before just gave it a shot. Let me know what you think!

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I am not a pro, but I would say you did very good for a first try.
Looking at the photos made me hungry!!
I... I ....suddenly feel very very very hungry
Mmmmmm yummy, these look so inviting, boy I wish I could smell and taste them
Well I certainly said wow when I looked at your photos,
I'm sure your in-laws will be very very pleased with these
.... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I think you could enhance these a bit with Levels and maybe some vibrance/saturation adjustments in photoshop. I tried it with the strawberries and cream shot and it looked a bit better.
That's just a nit 2 cents. As said above, these are very nice for your first food shots and they would probably work great on the web site.
One question: Do you deliver?
Lauren Blackwell
They very good photos.
Only thing I would point at is that, for me, I would watch how much
OOF foreground used depending on the dish item. Usually my eye
goes to the front of the plate first and moves up. So with food I want
to see the area sharp first then perhaps a fade with OOF.
Mostly you have done just that.
Nice work. No doubt your in-laws will appreciate your efforts.