Some experimental macros and others.

Would appreciate comments on whether these work or not. Was trying for a more "macroscape" view rather than detail on the insects.
This remined me of the lunar lander.

In this one I was concentrating on the fly and had not noticed the greenfly and beetle hiding behind the twig

Ants in the UK are very small and shiny so very hard to take with a flash so tried to take them in profile tending a herd of aphids.

Here's a couple more normal macros- one of the flower "love in the mist" which I've been trying to get a good shot of for a while.

Lastly some Damselflies. The first couple of shots are fairly normal apart from focus problems (couldn't get everything in focus)- the last shot the flash failed to go off but I managed to salvage a pic which then had I thought interesting colours- it's nearly identical to one of the first shots.

This remined me of the lunar lander.

In this one I was concentrating on the fly and had not noticed the greenfly and beetle hiding behind the twig

Ants in the UK are very small and shiny so very hard to take with a flash so tried to take them in profile tending a herd of aphids.

Here's a couple more normal macros- one of the flower "love in the mist" which I've been trying to get a good shot of for a while.

Lastly some Damselflies. The first couple of shots are fairly normal apart from focus problems (couldn't get everything in focus)- the last shot the flash failed to go off but I managed to salvage a pic which then had I thought interesting colours- it's nearly identical to one of the first shots.

I really like the first one. It's an artsy macro that really catches me
Thanks for sharing,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.