A week in Endicott and Tracy Arm - Day 2&3 - Juneau, AK
The next morning we headed back up to the site. I had heard about all the terrible weather of the Southeast but so far, we hadn't seen it. This day would be no different. I went up was followed by other members of the crew who wanted to give ascending the rope a try. David checks his gear before rappelling.

A lone seal meanders through the icebergs.

And then takes a peak at our boat to make sure the inhabitants are paying proper attention.

Then David heads off into the abyss.

Thankfully, he was not alone.

The Harbor Seals are a curious bunch for sure.

Back in the boat we take note of the massive walls once again and cannot help but take a quick jaunt around to check them out.

Saliva Pours like waterfalls down these faces

We would eventually be made aware of dangers as avalanches would rip down the faces from high above, it is not all in the clear yet.

Well we were having a whale of a good time...what? O.K. I am bad a puns.

I'll make an about face on that last comment...

Here is a picture of the wall where we set up the camera. Looking closely you can see Mark making his way up the rope.

This is no small wall.

And setting up the device.

Directly behind are mountains of epic proportions.

Below the large ice chunks flow by threatening to take out any unsuspecting boat.

We always had someone in the boat so that when they came by someone would be able to steer it away, as they did when this house came floating by.

I wasn't as worried about it and took the time to lay down for a little rest.

and admire the beautiful shapes of nature.

The tracks of a large wolf.

We took another trip in the skiff and here David strikes a serious face.

and then shows the beauty of the area.

This is a larger section of the wall we climbed.

That night we took in a haul of shrimp from some pots which we set out. That made a very nice chowder.

Everyone was happy...well almost everyone.

A lone seal meanders through the icebergs.

And then takes a peak at our boat to make sure the inhabitants are paying proper attention.

Then David heads off into the abyss.

Thankfully, he was not alone.

The Harbor Seals are a curious bunch for sure.

Back in the boat we take note of the massive walls once again and cannot help but take a quick jaunt around to check them out.

Saliva Pours like waterfalls down these faces

We would eventually be made aware of dangers as avalanches would rip down the faces from high above, it is not all in the clear yet.

Well we were having a whale of a good time...what? O.K. I am bad a puns.

I'll make an about face on that last comment...

Here is a picture of the wall where we set up the camera. Looking closely you can see Mark making his way up the rope.

This is no small wall.

And setting up the device.

Directly behind are mountains of epic proportions.

Below the large ice chunks flow by threatening to take out any unsuspecting boat.

We always had someone in the boat so that when they came by someone would be able to steer it away, as they did when this house came floating by.

I wasn't as worried about it and took the time to lay down for a little rest.

and admire the beautiful shapes of nature.

The tracks of a large wolf.

We took another trip in the skiff and here David strikes a serious face.

and then shows the beauty of the area.

This is a larger section of the wall we climbed.

That night we took in a haul of shrimp from some pots which we set out. That made a very nice chowder.

Everyone was happy...well almost everyone.

My Pictures can be seen at http://prezwoodz.smugmug.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com