
Motorcycle Racing - UK

syntec4syntec4 Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
edited May 20, 2009 in Sports
Hi all,
Not felt comfortable posting pics here before, the quality is so high. :bow

I went to the motorcycle races at the Aintree circuit in Liverpool UK. It's where they hold the anual 'Grand National' horse race. Up until the 60's the site was also host to Grand Prix racing. They have started to use part of the track again for club racing.

I managed to get a few that I think have turned out quite well, especially as the weather was quite bad at times.

Comments are welcome.

1.Nikon D40 with 70-300 1/500


2. D40 70-300 f4.8 1/1250


3. D40 70-300 f4.8 1/1000


4. D40 70-300 f5 1/800 ISO400

Thanks for looking


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    scottcolbathscottcolbath Registered Users Posts: 278 Major grins
    edited May 20, 2009
    Great pics. I love all the color.

    Here in the desert all you have is dirt around the tracks. It's very reflective and makes exposure a pain for me.

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    NickBullNickBull Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited May 20, 2009
    Out of the set, I like the first one the best. I would suggest that your shutter speed for the other shots was far too high and it has frozen the action too much and as such has lost the sense of speed.

    I'd suggest you need to drop the shutter speed - maybe even less than the 1/500 in the first one - and then pan with it.
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