Pros and vacation
I usually go on vacation for only a week at a time. However, since I am now my own boss, we are spending 2 weeks in Maine
So, my question for the other pros here, what do you do with your galleries when you are gone for an extended period and can't proof any prints? Do I just turn off my shopping cart globally and put a note on my homepage that I will be away? Any other ideas on how to handle this?

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"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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Do a broad band search or go dial up......check local cafes, truck stops, public libraries..........but if nothing else check your local CRICKET phone store for their broadband card......
Seal Sattelite phone??
If you start being "un-touchable" for any periods of time it will do great damage to your business.......
It's an additional $30/mo, but it's been well worth it.
I'm generally happy, tall, and fuzzy on the
I had regular internet access while on the road, (at the hotel and at the conference) so I could see these orders coming in and knew I was in for some long nights when I got back.
If I was going to be gone for greater than a week without internet access...
hmmmm... I wouldn't plan a trip that puts me without internet for more than a week, so I can't help you.
Maybe hire an assistant to proof the orders while you are gone? Otherwise, you are just going to have to make time to find an internet port. Welcome to the life of a small business owner.