Renaming photos/virtual copies in LR2

I am having problems renaming photos in a folder that contains virtual copies. I make the virtual copy when I would like to have at least two copies of that photo, for example I like to post both color and black and white photos in the clients gallery. When the renaming is done I end up with missing numbers, always before the photo that has the virtual copy. Say photo #6 has the virtual copy, there is no photo #5 and the original and virtual copy are both #6. Is there a better way to do this so that my original and virtual copy are in sequence and NOT sharing the same photo number? Also what is happening to the photo number before those? I hope this makes sense...
Thanks in advance for any help!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi, Picturegirl. It's hard to tell what's going on without more info. There are a lot of renaming options to get tangled up in. I'm guessing that you are using Lightroom.
If that is the case, in general, if, in the Export dialog box, your custom file naming option is set to {Filename>>}, your exports should have the same file name as the original, and the virtual copies will have the original file name plus "-2" and "-3", and so on, at the end.
Hope this helps.
Thunder Rabbit GRFX