Can't upload pix ... is there such a thing as a status report for smugmug??
Kinda makes it difficult to know if the problem is on my end or smugmug's. :rolleyes
The day I signed up I uploaded some pix using the smugmug uploader (I run Tiger). Today I get no joy. These are all JPEGs. The uploader times out (none get transferred) and when I go to the Java upload page nothing is there --- just a blank smugmug page; the applet doesn't start.
Everything is up to date.
The day I signed up I uploaded some pix using the smugmug uploader (I run Tiger). Today I get no joy. These are all JPEGs. The uploader times out (none get transferred) and when I go to the Java upload page nothing is there --- just a blank smugmug page; the applet doesn't start.
Everything is up to date.
Yes, the standalone app is what I'm referring to.
More info:
The first time I used it, about a week ago, when I clicked on the "Files" tab it had me log in, then I could upload. Today when I launched it and clicked the "Files" tab, it paused a bit but didn't ask me to login. I could tell that I was logged in however because it went right to a new (empty) gallery I just created. But like I said, it just times out after a while. Guess I'll send a note to tech help tomorrow ... :cry
If you'd like another tester perhaps I can be a guinea pig for both. Lemme know.
Even though I only use iPhoto as a cataloger (I never upload from it directly because everything is either unretouched, PSD or RAW) smugmug would gain good press and usage from Mac users if a proper iPhoto plugin was available --- something I'm sure that's been considered already.