
Took this at my usual place. I havn't taken many photos lately, this was my first HDR since last year really. Went to take some sunsets (which i posted at the bottom, but theres too much motion blur/etc..)... anyway its a lil dull cause i didnt go nuts on the colors. Went for a more "oldish" look...

And the sunset one, you can see how the blur on the boats makes the image lose something. I was going for the sunset mainly and this is what happens when its windy:

And the sunset one, you can see how the blur on the boats makes the image lose something. I was going for the sunset mainly and this is what happens when its windy:

I really love the first shot, It looks like one those pictures you frame and then sell at an antique shop.
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Its got a lot going on with the background that KINDA takes your focus off the boats. Other then that, i went for that kinda "old" look like i said, antique is a good defintion.
I think it needs a little more copper toning though
Thanks on 2nd. I took raw images on everything before combining them for HDR so i can play with the sunset one to maybe make it look better.
Its a nice spot to view sunsets but its tricky to shoot because the boats move and there are a lot of boats that take your focus off the sunset.