A Very Nice P-40 And A Super Rare Sea Fury
These two planes are like bookends to WWII military fighter aircraft aviation.
The P-40 was around when the war started and, although outdated in many respects, it was able to hold its own when flown by skilled and well-trained pilots. It was flown in all major theaters of war action.
The Hawker Sea Fury came along right at the end of the war and never quite made it into action. It was probably the epitome of prop driven fighters. This thing is HUGE for a single pilot plane. It has a 3,000 HP radial engine and had a top speed in excess of 485 MPH.

The P-40 was around when the war started and, although outdated in many respects, it was able to hold its own when flown by skilled and well-trained pilots. It was flown in all major theaters of war action.
The Hawker Sea Fury came along right at the end of the war and never quite made it into action. It was probably the epitome of prop driven fighters. This thing is HUGE for a single pilot plane. It has a 3,000 HP radial engine and had a top speed in excess of 485 MPH.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I like the look of the The Hawker Sea Fury.
That canary yellow colour is quite striking.
It's nice to be able to get up close to these old planes,
many people will never get the opportunity to see them that close.
Bet you had a great day .... thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Fitting images for Memorial Day, once again you've captured the true
essence of the subject, these planes just exude power and speed.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate you looking in.
It is a great treat to be able to get right up on the these magnificent machines. Thanks for looking.
It's funny how you can get all sorts of opinions about things. I know a guy who has been privileged to own several old warbirds. The least enjoyable to fly, in his opinion, was the P-40. I'm not sure why he felt that way. I do know he wasn't fond of that narrow landing gear stance.....made for tricky landings....but, heck, you should hear those guys that fly the Wildcats talk about that.
Thanks for your comments.
When you're right on top of these planes, something comes through that makes you realize just what character those pilots had to have to mount these steeds and fly off to do deadly combat. Thank GOD, our nation produced thousands of their kind.
Take care,
Nice captures but I love the Mustang. I remember that it was the first model airplane I built as a youngster. Never have seen a real one but I had mine hanging from the ceiling of my room for a very long time.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
For sure, the sights and sounds of these thundering beasts is unforgettable. Throw in the smell of high-octane aviation fuel waffing through the air and you've got an experience you won't soon forget.
When I'm sitting in the back seat of my friend's P-51.....as he is running up the engine, prior to releasing the straining animal to the sky.....all my senses are hammered to the max. When he finally gives the Mustang it's full head, it fairly leaps into the air and provides a visceral pounding I've never had duplicated anywhere else.
Thanks for looking in,
I've got to agree with you about the P-51. Read my last post above and you'll understand.
Take care,
This one is just for you. It's the P-51 that belongs to my friend Dave Marco.
Static displays are nice but, when you get to see these things fly, it makes it that much nicer. If you're ever in the Orlando, FL area, you need to go and see Fantasy of Flight. It's one of the most amazing private collections of everything in aviation that you'll ever see. A guy named Kermit Weeks owns it and it's a testament as to what you can acquire if you have an unlimited budget. You could spend days at this place and never see it all.
Think he could use another friend??
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Sweet P40. Wonder how much new skin is on it. Love the P40. It was a
backbone machine like others while the P51 was on the board to be online in due time. Like other fine flying machines as well coming online.
This Hawker I haven't seen before. Kinda looks like a Yak. Huge horsepower
as you mention. Must be a heck of a power ride and hopefully a joy to fly...
Your friends P51 is sweet also. Nice shot of it.
Sinatra got to bail out of his... if only in the movies. B17 flew by the other day.
Reminded me of this story most of you know....
Charlie Brown