
Photo Labs

mdb-photographymdb-photography Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
edited May 24, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
Ok-I was wondering if I could use my choice of print labs, say IF Id like to use WHCC. Is there a way that I can set my page so when someone places an order it holds the order until I see it and then I submit the order myself to WHCC or whatever print lab I choose? I cant seem to find where to get in there to set the lab choice.

I also just like the idea of getting the photos first before the client to make sure that they are okay.

Thank you very much.


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 23, 2009
    You do have a choice of labs: http://www.smugmug.com/help/choice-of-printing-labs
    And you can order, have the prints sent to you. Try Bay Photo with Color Correction turned on.
    But I'm sorry, you can't print @ WHCC via SmugMug.
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    mdb-photographymdb-photography Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
    edited May 23, 2009
    OK-so where do I go to do that {turn color correction on} and pick my lab? And make sure they come to me first?

    Andy wrote:
    You do have a choice of labs: http://www.smugmug.com/help/choice-of-printing-labs
    And you can order, have the prints sent to you. Try Bay Photo with Color Correction turned on.
    But I'm sorry, you can't print @ WHCC via SmugMug.
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    termina3termina3 Registered Users Posts: 158 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2009
    When you go to price your photos (tools->pro pricing), you'll be presented with the option of EZPrints or BayPhoto. Bay is the pro lab. Color Correction is another option up there.

    If a customer orders prints off your website, you may restrict the prints that are for sale, but may not self-fulfill (which is pretty much what you're looking to do). The prints will ship to whatever address the customer specifies. (This is usually their home address; you will NOT see the photos before they get them. It's not a big issue for most pros though because the Smug print guarantee is so amazing and so rarely necessary. Reprints are just an email away.)

    I'm sorry if I'm already covering something you know, but self-fulfillment is just that: you, the photographer, are fulfilling the order yourself rather than having SmugMug/BayPhoto do it. This is possible through the use of a Google or Paypal shopping cart--search around the forums for the appropriate thread. Again, Smug doesn't officially support self-fulfillment though.
    Please don't mistake my blunt, pointed posts as my being "angry," "short," or "rude."

    I'm generally happy, tall, and fuzzy on the inside.www.NickensPhotography.com
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    mdb-photographymdb-photography Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2009
    Thank you so much.
    You are not telling me anything I already knew, Im SOOOO new to this I know NOTHING! hahane_nau.gif
    Maybe I will add that to my Investment page...options for different ways to order.

    So do you know how can I put a paypal option on my page, like this one... http://jakigood.smugmug.com/gallery/6620835_PCCVj/1/422079057_xA5sT/Large

    This is exactly what I had in mind.

    Thank you.
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    termina3termina3 Registered Users Posts: 158 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2009
    DGrin Thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=116380&highlight=paypal+shopping+cart

    Smug Wiki Page: http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/Add+Google+Checkout+or+Paypal

    I found those links by searching "paypal shopping cart" in the search function of this forum, located towards the upper right, just a little to the left of the "logout" link.
    Please don't mistake my blunt, pointed posts as my being "angry," "short," or "rude."

    I'm generally happy, tall, and fuzzy on the inside.www.NickensPhotography.com
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