Need some help Part 1
Hey You'll,
Normally I avoid contests, challenges, POTDs, etc like the plague. I have reluctantly decided to enter a couple of pics in the St. Augustine Alligator Farm's
photography contest in the bird and general categories. Last year's winner came be seen here. (click on Groups and Events).
Anyhow I have the bird category down to these 4 pics. Which one would you go with?

Normally I avoid contests, challenges, POTDs, etc like the plague. I have reluctantly decided to enter a couple of pics in the St. Augustine Alligator Farm's
photography contest in the bird and general categories. Last year's winner came be seen here. (click on Groups and Events).
Anyhow I have the bird category down to these 4 pics. Which one would you go with?

Harry NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!" NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
cattle ergret. That pose shows atitude.
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I can't pick right now either part 1 or 2 cause I want to come back a couple times and look again.
I am leaning towards one of the shots with babies (babies go over big) with rookerys, farms, marshlands etc. I believe they like these cause it shows growth and stability for that place. Make sense ??
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Off to upload.
Will look at the winner, previous. I personally, just my preference, do not like heads cut off...........maybe I will get used to it, do it myself sometimes.
Still love those woodstork babies.
ginger (I think I got a woodstork today) A nice one, I hope.
Laura and I agree here
and good luck
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All of the pics are great. I think the background in #2 is the most pleasing, and
isolates the bird more.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I'm having a difficult time picking a "fav" of the group.
I would easily vote for #1... except for the crop. #2 is beautiful because of the colors, but the beak is a bit soft, and again... I'm not found of the crop. #3 is best by far as comp, but not very "engaging" as compared to #1. #4 doesn't do anything for me. I dunno... sorry I'm no help here.
TML Photography
Good luck!
Ok all joking and petty jealousy aside.
I can't choose either. How technical are the judges of the photography. I gotsta say my pick would be number 1. Something about it just seems so magazine like. The others are great but #1 is what I would expect to see if I was reading a book about egrets.
The great thing about #1 is the great detail in those feathers: the ones the opposite sex must love. It might just be the best one ever done.
On the other hand, there is not a whole bird...........
I am sure glad it is not me picking. Or winning, smile.
I read yesterday that photographers are terrible at picking their own work, the article was a LensWork thing.
I don't see an answer here. Harry, why did you pick these finalists? Is there one that we would all look at and say "oh yesssss" that is the one, and as I do, you would say "why?", it is nothing compared to these others?
I wonder that now, not that you would be comfortable going with our fave. Which one do you like?
Also, Andy picked it out of a "set" the other day, I remember that.
Look at us, we are all over the map.
I agree with Ginger, give us four good pics to choose from - you'll get four choices.
Flowers NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
#1 is similar to one of last years winners. Don't know if that's good or bad ...
I love the lighting in #1 but the clarity and comp in #3 is stunning as well. I can't decide between the two.
These are all great shots, but if I have to pick a 'winner', I vote for number 3.
I think it has the best lighting, pose, and composition.
Number one is a close second, but for me, not as interesting as number three.
Number two is showing a lot of digital artifacts on the left. Not sure how it will look printed, but as far as viewing online, it's a turn off. This may make a difference since you can't 'clone it out'.
But, again-very nice shots. Your photography has grown leaps and bounds from what I remember say two years ago. You are consistantly putting out very high class stuff
Take care,
Thanks to everyone who responded. All the responses were very helpful. I was unsure of which picture to enter. I was leaning towards the cattle egret but now I'm not sure. I like #1 but I'm not thrilled with the comp. The cattle egret has the colors but the comp I'm still unsure of. I just may cull these and reconsider a flight shot as an entry. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
so i guess " dont listen to me" but id go with #2