What Size To Edit?? 4-day Reunion

Greetings...I just finished a 4-day Weekend Photo Session for a Kaiser Nursing School 45-year Reunion at the Sacramento Jazz Festival. I have 200 images to edit and upload for their individual ordering. With 28 in the group, I want to process the images fast.
What size do you think will be the most popular for them to order? We will be making a memory book of the event too...with scanned images from the graduates from previous events and the actual yearbook from 1964. This will be finished in about a month...but the attendees were hot to get some prints now...
I look forward to your replies...Thanks, Kathy Ray
What size do you think will be the most popular for them to order? We will be making a memory book of the event too...with scanned images from the graduates from previous events and the actual yearbook from 1964. This will be finished in about a month...but the attendees were hot to get some prints now...
I look forward to your replies...Thanks, Kathy Ray
Kathy, I'm not sure if I understand your questions, but I'd edit them all at 2166 x 1600 pixels, which will let you or the customer crop to 4x6 --> 8x10 pretty easy once the order is placed. Be sure and set Proof-Delay so you can review the orders before they go out. Then you have all kinds of options. ;-)
Is that what you were asking?
Thanks TX...I just wanted to have the 8x10's ready...I think I will use that for the group shots...K
If you set your sizes in Smugmug to be compatible with your camera, then you don't need to size. The order can be adjusted when it's ordered. If images are ordered you can adjust the crop on ordering.
I shoot with a Canon 5d and native size is 8x12 or 16x24; I can set ordering sizes for 3x4 and turn off 4x6 and 8x10 or let the crop happen when the orders are placed.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.