Panther wrote: Howdy All, Shot with Modded D70S, Thanks for looking.
Tee Why wrote: Interesting moody shot. I like it.
rwells wrote: Nice shot Craig, I would have never thought that this was an IR shot
Skippy wrote: Had to look at that one twice to see it was in fact an Infrared Shot Nicely done Craig ..... Skippy
Jack'll do wrote: Howdy Craig Nice capture. I too did not think it was an IR shot till I saw the trees about midway down the left side.
Azzaro wrote: I love the mood of this one panther........Really well done!!! azzaro
black mamba wrote: Hey Craig, Another nice one. The only thing missing is a rat running up the mooring line. Take care, Tom
tisun wrote: I like it very much.
I would have never thought that this was an IR shot
Had to look at that one twice to see it was in fact an Infrared Shot
Nicely done Craig
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Nice capture. I too did not think it was an IR shot till I saw the trees about midway down the left side.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Another nice one. The only thing missing is a rat running up the mooring line.
Take care,
Howdy Tom,
Thanks very much!!!
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Skippy,
Thanks Very Much, so where's some from that Modded 40???
Burleson, Texas
Howdy John,
Thanks very much, was an interesting place.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks very much Azzaro!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Tom,
Thanks, I'm glad I didn't have one
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Anthony,
Burleson, Texas