Yep-that's it...
The key is to "LOG OUT" of *your* smugmug account, as Andy said. Once you hit 'log out', find the 'log in' button and enter the user name-'dgrin' and password-'skyshoot'.
Go to the Skyshoot gallery and hit the 'add photo' button. Just drag and drop your entry to the uploader. Don't forget to add your info into the caption section listed under 'photo tools'.
You'll be good to go
Then either direct link from that gallery (using the 'add photo' button to your reply) to this thread, or if you uploaded your entry to your personal smugmug account you can direct link from there also.
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
The key is to "LOG OUT" of *your* smugmug account, as Andy said. Once you hit 'log out', find the 'log in' button and enter the user name-'dgrin' and password-'skyshoot'.
Go to the Skyshoot gallery and hit the 'add photo' button. Just drag and drop your entry to the uploader. Don't forget to add your info into the caption section listed under 'photo tools'.
Then either direct link from that gallery (using the 'add photo' button to your reply) to this thread, or if you uploaded your entry to your personal smugmug account you can direct link from there also.
2:08 on Saturday - typical SoCal featureless sky. I got to a better spot about a half-hour later, but this is the closest to the desired time. Thanks to Nikolai for the heads-up on this activity.
You're welcome
Glad you could make it..
Yeah, it's about as dramatic as it gets here in SoCal around 2pm on an average day - throughout the whole year, with a few exceptions in winter...
Ghost Palms
i played with Photoshop to layer in some other shots taken at the same time and try to make my palm a little more interesting. and here's a shot i got while waiting for the time to hit, a little boy fishing in the canal for bait fish:
Snapshot taken at a Graduation Party on Sat Afternoon (2PM). My EXIF is off (I never set the time ). Besides, it's a crappy shot, why would I lie about when it was taken?....
I was outside, smoking a ciggy and I heard this droning noise. I looked up and saw this strangely painted blimp. It was pretty far up/away and all I had with me were my 28-75mm and my 85mm. So no close ups Went back in, got the camera and clicked this.
I hope I didn't screw anything up. I seem to remember reading that we were supposed to post these in their own Smugmug gallery?
It was 2pm so you were clicking along with the rest of us....
Did you feel it? That tremor? The *click* heard 'round the world?
Thanks for participating, Steve.
Mongrel - this was a great idea and I want to thank you again for organizing it and to Andy for setting up and managing the thread... I'm disappointed more people didn't participate.
Mongrel - this was a great idea and I want to thank you again for organizing it and to Andy for setting up and managing the thread... I'm disappointed more people didn't participate.
I think this was a huge success. I went to the gallery to view the pics again,
and wanted to share some info.
I believe there were 26 different photographers.
The break down looks like this.
California - 8
Massachusetts - 2
New Jersey - 2
New York - 2
Seattle - 2
South Carolina
(parts unknown)
For a first time event, to get 26 people to go out and click the shutter on
their cameras about the same time, I think it's great. But I'm used to having
trouble getting 15 people into a group shot when they only have to move a
few feet.
Congrats to Mongrel and Andy, and the phoographers that submitted pics.
The ground work has been laid for future events like this.:D
Well guys, I've kind of been avoiding this thread...
the past few days
I hate to get all mushy :cry , 'cause I'm normally quite the macho man-but to be honest, I felt a little bit down by the lack of participation. I haven't wanted to come out and say that because I don't want the people that *did* participate to feel it was for naught! The support of those that participated has been very helpful in validating the concept at least, and I TRULY appreciate it
I'm just not sure how we seemed to have so much support for the 'idea' but very few pics relative to the number of people who said they would shoot.
And I am also thankful for Andy's support, and legwork in setting it up so I could 'organize' it (not much work on my part really).
However! I'm not giving up on the concept!!!
Here's the latest tweak on the 'Skyshoot' idea:
Rather than another 'Skyshoot', what about regular synchronized shoots? We pick a time and date, perhaps a subject and go for it? Have a rotating schedule to be fair to all, and setup a schedule (monthly? bi-monthly? yearly?).
What about the idea of incorporating a challenge to it? "Best synchro-shot taken on ?-?-? subject: portrait."
Anyway, just thinking out loud......
And again-A HEARTY THANK YOU! to the Dgrin Worldwide Skyshoot 2005 contributors
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Dave, thanks so much for your post...
If I was 'doing' my job-I would have taken the time to do what you did, and to tally and emphasize the 'positive'. Naturally, I was busy typing out the blues-boo hoo, nobody shot.....*snif*, while you were standing up and putting it out there for all to see! Thanks for taking the time to do what you did-I appreciate it very much. Your right, 26 photogs firing away at the same time worldwide IS a pretty cool thing. Hopefully we can improve on that the next time.
and, my apologies for getting all *sappy* about it
I think this was a huge success. I went to the gallery to view the pics again,
and wanted to share some info.
I believe there were 26 different photographers.
The break down looks like this.
California - 8
Massachusetts - 2
New Jersey - 2
New York - 2
Seattle - 2
South Carolina
(parts unknown)
For a first time event, to get 26 people to go out and click the shutter on
their cameras about the same time, I think it's great. But I'm used to having
trouble getting 15 people into a group shot when they only have to move a
few feet.
Congrats to Mongrel and Andy, and the phoographers that submitted pics.
The ground work has been laid for future events like this.:D
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
I am afraid I did participate, I walked to a point for a night shot of Cambridge, unfortunately the shot I hoped for was obscured, there was very little light and the result was not worth posting. I hope to do better next time
Sorry, I'm a little late, but I do have a good excuse! Here's my 2 PM shot:
Well, I didn't have much choice! This is from the 10th floor of Kaiser Permanente hospital in Panorama City, CA. My wife was in labor at the time, and I just happened to remember!
At the 2:00 AM time, my brand new son Gareth was 1 hour and 29 minutes old. This was also my first official Father's Day.
Click for EXIFs. The second photo was taken by my father-in-law.
Wow! If one needed an excuse for tardiness this one sure beats "my dog ate my camera"
Congratulations on the birth of your first child. We'll all look forward to many new photos of him in the coming months and years. Best wishes to you, the DW and the boy.
Sorry, I'm a little late, but I do have a good excuse! Here's my 2 PM shot:
Well, I didn't have much choice! This is from the 10th floor of Kaiser Permanente hospital in Panorama City, CA. My wife was in labor at the time, and I just happened to remember!
At the 2:00 AM time, my brand new son Gareth was 1 hour and 29 minutes old. This was also my first official Father's Day.
How do I upload to that gallery? I am a member of the community. But the Smugmug Uploader won't let me upload to that gallery. Not sure what to do.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at:
My Etsy store:
logOUT of your gallery. logIN to
user dgrin
pw skyshoot
upload your shot
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The key is to "LOG OUT" of *your* smugmug account, as Andy said. Once you hit 'log out', find the 'log in' button and enter the user name-'dgrin' and password-'skyshoot'.
Go to the Skyshoot gallery and hit the 'add photo' button. Just drag and drop your entry to the uploader. Don't forget to add your info into the caption section listed under 'photo tools'.
You'll be good to go
Then either direct link from that gallery (using the 'add photo' button to your reply) to this thread, or if you uploaded your entry to your personal smugmug account you can direct link from there also.
Ok. Done. And here's the photo, from Austin, TX.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at:
My Etsy store:
Topanga Canyon looking South
2:08 on Saturday - typical SoCal featureless sky. I got to a better spot about a half-hour later, but this is the closest to the desired time. Thanks to Nikolai for the heads-up on this activity.
Glad you could make it..
Yeah, it's about as dramatic as it gets here in SoCal around 2pm on an average day - throughout the whole year, with a few exceptions in winter...
i played with Photoshop to layer in some other shots taken at the same time and try to make my palm a little more interesting. and here's a shot i got while waiting for the time to hit, a little boy fishing in the canal for bait fish:
I was outside, smoking a ciggy and I heard this droning noise. I looked up and saw this strangely painted blimp. It was pretty far up/away and all I had with me were my 28-75mm and my 85mm. So no close ups
I hope I didn't screw anything up. I seem to remember reading that we were supposed to post these in their own Smugmug gallery?
I'll put it in the gallery.
Hey-you got the blimp man! Very cool....
Looks like you had the same sky I did
BUT HEY-It was 2pm so you were clicking along with the rest of us....
Did you feel it? That tremor?
Thanks for participating, Steve.
Any chance of doing it again? I guess I should read "News and Events" more!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I think this was a huge success. I went to the gallery to view the pics again,
and wanted to share some info.
I believe there were 26 different photographers.
The break down looks like this.
California - 8
Massachusetts - 2
New Jersey - 2
New York - 2
Seattle - 2
South Carolina
(parts unknown)
For a first time event, to get 26 people to go out and click the shutter on
their cameras about the same time, I think it's great. But I'm used to having
trouble getting 15 people into a group shot when they only have to move a
few feet.
Congrats to Mongrel and Andy, and the phoographers that submitted pics.
The ground work has been laid for future events like this.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
the past few days
I hate to get all mushy :cry , 'cause I'm normally quite the macho man-but to be honest, I felt a little bit down by the lack of participation. I haven't wanted to come out and say that because I don't want the people that *did* participate to feel it was for naught! The support of those that participated has been very helpful in validating the concept at least, and I TRULY appreciate it
I'm just not sure how we seemed to have so much support for the 'idea' but very few pics relative to the number of people who said they would shoot.
And I am also thankful for Andy's support, and legwork in setting it up so I could 'organize' it (not much work on my part really).
However! I'm not giving up on the concept!!!
Here's the latest tweak on the 'Skyshoot' idea:
Rather than another 'Skyshoot', what about regular synchronized shoots? We pick a time and date, perhaps a subject and go for it? Have a rotating schedule to be fair to all, and setup a schedule (monthly? bi-monthly? yearly?).
What about the idea of incorporating a challenge to it? "Best synchro-shot taken on ?-?-? subject: portrait."
Anyway, just thinking out loud......
And again-A HEARTY THANK YOU! to the Dgrin Worldwide Skyshoot 2005 contributors
If I was 'doing' my job-I would have taken the time to do what you did, and to tally and emphasize the 'positive'. Naturally, I was busy typing out the blues-boo hoo, nobody shot.....*snif*, while you were standing up and putting it out there for all to see! Thanks for taking the time to do what you did-I appreciate it very much. Your right, 26 photogs firing away at the same time worldwide IS a pretty cool thing. Hopefully we can improve on that the next time.
and, my apologies for getting all *sappy* about it
do me a favor-post your pic right here in this thread! I'd still like to see it.
Sometimes it's the spirit of the thing that matters, you shot with the Skyshoot in mind, so share it with us, we'd love to see your take on it
Hopefully, in the future if we do it again, word will get around better.
Well, I didn't have much choice! This is from the 10th floor of Kaiser Permanente hospital in Panorama City, CA. My wife was in labor at the time, and I just happened to remember!
At the 2:00 AM time, my brand new son Gareth was 1 hour and 29 minutes old. This was also my first official Father's Day.
Click for EXIFs. The second photo was taken by my father-in-law.
Warm regards to your wife who let you go for a few minutes to take the shot!
All the best of everything to you guys!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Congratulations on the birth of your first child. We'll all look forward to many new photos of him in the coming months and years. Best wishes to you, the DW and the boy.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots