Does SmugMug suck with Safari? Main photos lag.
So I know Don is a big fan of Safari, but I also know that because of that nasty Safari bug, Andy was recommending people use Firefox.
Anyways, the last OS X updated seemed to cure the bug, but I'm still finding that compared to Firefox, loading of large images (in SmugMug view) is very lagged. If I click on thumbs or use the arrow keys to move through images, I often times will get a big blank rectangle where the photo should be, and sometimes the photo never loads, even after clicking on another thumb or going forward/backwards with arrow keys.
On Firefox, I'll get a big blank rectangle with a JPEG icon in the top-left corner, and then the photo always loads, eventually.
It really kind of... sucks.
Anyways, the last OS X updated seemed to cure the bug, but I'm still finding that compared to Firefox, loading of large images (in SmugMug view) is very lagged. If I click on thumbs or use the arrow keys to move through images, I often times will get a big blank rectangle where the photo should be, and sometimes the photo never loads, even after clicking on another thumb or going forward/backwards with arrow keys.
On Firefox, I'll get a big blank rectangle with a JPEG icon in the top-left corner, and then the photo always loads, eventually.
It really kind of... sucks.
takes quite a while. Been also seeing some thumbs not loading or with a big
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Write us at the help desk if your issue persists, Darryl, thanks.
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I figured that'd be the case since SmugMug is a Mac shop.
My theory: SmugMug and their employees always have the fanciest latest greatest Macs, so they never see problems that poor folk like me with "slower" machines (2.16GHz MacBook Pro circa 2006 w/ 3GB of RAM) encounter. :-P
I suppose I can try clearing Safari's cache too.
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One thing I've noted is that after closing out FF completely and restarting, it will make the first request ok... but then subsequent requests are crazy slow or completely non-responsive. (Note, even slow at my workplace with the really fat pipes.)
This is the way the AJAX "edit/save" code used to behave. That started working smoothly after the aforementioned fix, and still does (for which I'm really grateful!
(Edit: Not a total non-starter after all. More like, takes two or three minutes to open a gallery, longer to display a photo. Symptoms match Allen's description, which is why I chimed in here.)