model release question ...
Just starting out at some of this and I have questions about model releases: if I attend a rodeo (as an example of an event) as a freelancer and offer pictures of some of the action, like bull riding or bronc riding, do I need model releases from the participants in the rodeo events? :huh Or because it's a public event, have they essentially given consent for their photos being taken? I am fuzzy on public event photos, what is and isn't acceptable or "legal". :dunno
In the case of most college and professional sports, the sanctioning body (NCAA, NFL, MLB NBA, etc.) owns the copyright on all images which eliminates your ability to sell photographs from those types of events.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
Web site
Scenario - to continue the "rodeo" example, if I was at a PRCA rodeo, all the participants are "professionals". If PRCA owns the rights to the pictures, how do freelance photographers submit photos to various magazines? Or for the NCAA/NFL/NBA/NHL counterparts, are non of the photos submitted to magazines taken by freelance photographers?
The photos are shot with a media credential and must go to a media outlet. I regularly shoot MLB games, and the photos go to whoever hired me to shoot that game.
Sports Sample Photos
Four Seam Images