Is there any EASY way to tell size and resolution

of what we have uploaded over time? I was just in to order some items and noted that on some of them the dreaded yellow triangle came up = I don't know why but it may have been my uploading the wrong images. Is there an easy way to review all the size/resolutions of the images in the galleries so I can switch out and put up newer, bigger ones? Thanks.
Victoria L. Herring
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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Thanks...I need to work on my SM galleries'll just take that much longer!
Is there anywhere that a good 'estimate' of size for most items is noted? I checked one image that is 300k in size & 768x1207 -- don't know why it got so small but I can replace it...but don't want to do that unless I have a sense of how to best size the image = I thought this 'small' one WAS sized right...
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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I was trying to check image sizes and they're not showing up = do I have to, in each gallery, set up a customization so that I can see the info === or what do I have to do. And if I set it to show info, is that just for me or other viewers too?
And was the issue solved so I could know in bulk the sizes of images?? Or is it still one by one.
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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"one at a time, i'm sorry
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
Photographs at:
(popout over main image). If you're not getting it in some galleries check that.
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