Is there any EASY way to tell size and resolution

vlherringvlherring Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
edited October 16, 2009 in SmugMug Support
of what we have uploaded over time? I was just in to order some items and noted that on some of them the dreaded yellow triangle came up = I don't know why but it may have been my uploading the wrong images. Is there an easy way to review all the size/resolutions of the images in the galleries so I can switch out and put up newer, bigger ones? Thanks.
Victoria L. Herring
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2009
    one at a time, i'm sorry :( hover, photo info, then with that active, navigate thru the gallery that will be the fastest.
  • vlherringvlherring Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited May 29, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    one at a time, i'm sorry :( hover, photo info, then with that active, navigate thru the gallery that will be the fastest.

    Thanks...I need to work on my SM galleries'll just take that much longer!

    Is there anywhere that a good 'estimate' of size for most items is noted? I checked one image that is 300k in size & 768x1207 -- don't know why it got so small but I can replace it...but don't want to do that unless I have a sense of how to best size the image = I thought this 'small' one WAS sized right...
    Victoria L. Herring
    Customized travel research and planning
    Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
    Photographs at:
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2009
    vlherring wrote:
    Thanks...I need to work on my SM galleries'll just take that much longer!

    Is there anywhere that a good 'estimate' of size for most items is noted? I checked one image that is 300k in size & 768x1207 -- don't know why it got so small but I can replace it...but don't want to do that unless I have a sense of how to best size the image = I thought this 'small' one WAS sized right...
    Our minimum resolutions are here:
  • vlherringvlherring Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited May 31, 2009
    I did find one thing out = once you click on Photo Info on one picture, you only need to click on the next picture == the info comes up about the next one = in other words, once you select Photo Info it applies to whatever picture you select in the gallery.clap.gif
    Victoria L. Herring
    Customized travel research and planning
    Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
    Photographs at:
  • vlherringvlherring Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2009
    Sorry I need help on this again.
    Andy wrote:
    one at a time, i'm sorry :( hover, photo info, then with that active, navigate thru the gallery that will be the fastest.

    I was trying to check image sizes and they're not showing up = do I have to, in each gallery, set up a customization so that I can see the info === or what do I have to do. And if I set it to show info, is that just for me or other viewers too?


    And was the issue solved so I could know in bulk the sizes of images?? Or is it still one by one.
    Victoria L. Herring
    Customized travel research and planning
    Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
    Photographs at:
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 15, 2009
    vlherring wrote:
    And was the issue solved so I could know in bulk the sizes of images?? Or is it still one by one.
    Solved? We don't have this feature, I'm so sorry for the confusion.
  • vlherringvlherring Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2009
    sorry = the Q is how to get the photo info to pop up...
    "one at a time, i'm sorry :( hover, photo info, then with that active, navigate thru the gallery that will be the fastest." is what you wrote before but I can't get the image to give me photo info by hovering == I can get the size [S, M, L..] and plus/minus rating and owner download but no info so I can figure out if it's 'big enough' for printing = I had uploaded some images small thinking that was the way to protect them and not understanding that uploading 2-5mb images was fine because the original was protected and the tiny ones would be enough for the I need to replace those 160k images..but I don't know which ones they are...
    Victoria L. Herring
    Customized travel research and planning
    Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
    Photographs at:
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 15, 2009
    vlherring wrote:
    "one at a time, i'm sorry :( hover, photo info, then with that active, navigate thru the gallery that will be the fastest." is what you wrote before but I can't get the image to give me photo info by hovering == I can get the size [S, M, L..] and plus/minus rating and owner download but no info so I can figure out if it's 'big enough' for printing = I had uploaded some images small thinking that was the way to protect them and not understanding that uploading 2-5mb images was fine because the original was protected and the tiny ones would be enough for the I need to replace those 160k images..but I don't know which ones they are...
    I think under customize gallery there's a toggle to turn on the photobar thingie
    (popout over main image). If you're not getting it in some galleries check that.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
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  • SamirDSamirD Registered Users Posts: 3,474 Major grins
    edited October 16, 2009
    One of the fastest and most automated ways to do this is simply to re-upload all images, making sure they are the correct ones, setting the uploader to replace images.
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