
Team Pictures Advice

dipstahdipstah Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited June 1, 2009 in Sports

Does anyone have any advice on taking team pictures?

I am a DWAC and have been asked by the parents of my sons baseball team if I would take there team picture this year.

I will be taking mugshots and and team photo, I am also considering using some of the templates from artistic action on the final pictures.



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    tjk60tjk60 Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited June 1, 2009
    uuuhh? Sure! Get the focus right? mwink.gif (just being a wise guy...)

    What issues do you think you'll have?

    Do you have extra off camera flash and a way to trigger?
    Do you have wide angle lens to get the whole team in pic (or room to back up?)

    You can take in the shade, in the sun, with field as background or 'woods' as background,

    What are you wanting to do?
    Troy, MI

    D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more

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