Nice one! I like the repeating hay bails. The skies and mountain are a little washed out but the ground color is great! I hope the farmer has a/c in his rig in this heat!
Nice one! I like the repeating hay bails. The skies and mountain are a little washed out but the ground color is great! I hope the farmer has a/c in his rig in this heat!
Hi Eia........I like the repeating hay bails......So does my horse, he has had his eye on that field all morning.......:D
It was kind of hazy here this morning and the camera picked it up and it made the mountains look a little washed out......I don't know if a gradient filter would have helped or not..... But, I don't have one anyway.
Thanks for looking and the comment...... azzaro
Green??? You're not Azzaro! I think you're Jake Bush's dog Seriously, nice capture as usual Azzaro. thumb
Hi Jack.... I think I will come back as a dog. I just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and Echo ( my dog) came over to my chair set up and he ended up eating 1/3 of the sandwich.
Thanks for looking Jack and the nice comment..... azzaro
This shot brings back memories of long hot days and very sore arms. Very well done -- I hope some poor high school kid had to pick all of them up!
Thanks for the comment...... I can still pick up 6 bales and throw them on the back of my pickup ....... I can't imagine doing it all day long....:D azzaro
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Hi Eia........I like the repeating hay bails......So does my horse, he has had his eye on that field all morning.......:D
It was kind of hazy here this morning and the camera picked it up and it made the mountains look a little washed out......I don't know if a gradient filter would have helped or not.....
Thanks for looking and the comment...... azzaro
Hi Jack.... I think I will come back as a dog. I just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and Echo ( my dog) came over to my chair set up and he ended up eating 1/3 of the sandwich.
Thanks for looking Jack and the nice comment..... azzaro
How wonderful it must be to wake up and see Mountains
lovely shot .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Lovely area about your place.
Hi DaddyO....... Thanks for looking and the nice comment azzaro
Thanks for the comment...... I can still pick up 6 bales and throw them on the back of my pickup ....... I can't imagine doing it all day long....:D azzaro