Commitment from SM to provide simple "embed slideshow" solution?
G'day SM & SMers,
As I pro user my marketing is increasingly going to be based around blogging and social networking.
It may be my failing but I'm unable to find clear answers on the following:
[1] Does SM currently provide an easy way to embed slideshows (provide code for cut and paste on the fly) into other websites (blogs, Facebook, etc)?
[2] If not is there a commitment from SM to do so in the near future?
Other similar photo-services are rolling out such capabilities and this is key to my future marketing strategies.
Cheers and thanks,
As I pro user my marketing is increasingly going to be based around blogging and social networking.
It may be my failing but I'm unable to find clear answers on the following:
[1] Does SM currently provide an easy way to embed slideshows (provide code for cut and paste on the fly) into other websites (blogs, Facebook, etc)?
[2] If not is there a commitment from SM to do so in the near future?
Other similar photo-services are rolling out such capabilities and this is key to my future marketing strategies.
Cheers and thanks,
Dr. Thomas Moore, MSME, PhD.
Photographer - Oceanographer - Digital Media
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Allen, thanks for your quick reply.
This is not what I'm talking about. This its tweaking code in a editor. I have a decent enough understanding of HTML, CSS, XML, LAMP, etc, etc, etc but 99% of my audience and clients do not. I also don't have the time to tweak code every time I want to promote a new gallery.
This kind of tweaking is not a substitute for a proper solution.
I'm talking about a public ready implementation that works without tweaks, that works like other professional services, that allows anyone (if my permissions allow it) to cut and paste embed code at the press of a button right at a gallery.
Photographer - Oceanographer - Digital Media
ThomasMoorePhotography - Blog
The only thing that is changed after initial setup in the gallery
number, two places.
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Stay tuned
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I agree DigitalTasmania who started this thread. Embedding slideshows is already huge (can you say Youtube?).
It's really a drag to go out an learn some other slideshow plug-in, API when the one I like best is here at SmugMug.
As a web developer, I've already sold one client on the benefit of having a smugmug gallery to go along with their website. If I could embed slideshows, I could sell some more subscriptions more easily. In fact, I can think of four clients who would go for it right now if I could embed their slideshows and/or galleries in their websites.
Is there some way to keep up to date on what Smugmugs plans are and some sort of timeline?
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I'd like to see a timeline for delivery of these kind of key features as well - impossible to do my work otherwise.
For now I'm keeping my SM account and double-paying for another service with Viewbook. They are providing a list of the features they are working on and launch dates - but my experience with them is too fresh to know if they deliver on their business claims.
Photographer - Oceanographer - Digital Media
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I'm very sorry. We don't publish timelines, but I can tell you that this one I hope us to have pretty soon
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Andy, I appreciate your quick and frank reply. While I accept your position on not releasing timelines / deadlines I hope you can appreciate that most of us live in a world that is very different.
I don't get paid unless I meet a timeline / deadline whether it is a photography client, design client, or software delivery.
When we have to choose services to help us meet those real-world needs (the ones with deadlines) it makes it pretty hard when service providers simply refuse to commit to any timeframe.
Just my point of view, and it doesn't take away from my other views on the many, many great things about SmugMug.
Photographer - Oceanographer - Digital Media
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Looks like the day is here? Have yet to test drive but the announcement looks EXCITING.
Photographer - Oceanographer - Digital Media
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