
Cattle Penning in New Brunswick (Canada)

SnowgirlSnowgirl Registered Users Posts: 2,155 Major grins
edited June 3, 2009 in Sports
People don't think of the Maritimes as a hot bed of Western cowboy activities - but cattle penning is one of the fastest growing events in the area - second only to dressage, believe it or not!


This guy was an AMAZING announcer. He kept everyone enthralled with his no-stop patter explaining what was going on and why for the benefit of spectators AND new competitors.

Just chillin' before a run.
Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
Picadilly, NB, Canada


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    tjk60tjk60 Registered Users Posts: 520 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2009
    hmmm, looks like some tough area to shoot from. Not knowing this sport, can you get un-obstructed views or do you have to shoot through the fences like in #1?
    Troy, MI

    D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more

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    SnowgirlSnowgirl Registered Users Posts: 2,155 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2009
    tjk60 wrote:
    hmmm, looks like some tough area to shoot from. Not knowing this sport, can you get un-obstructed views or do you have to shoot through the fences like in #1?

    My only option is to climb a ladder. I can't go in the ring because I'd be in the way and probably get trampled. Unfortunately, most of the action happens where I was - beside the holding pen. the object is for 3 riders to go into a herd of cattle and cut out 3 animals wearing the same number (e.g. #5). Then, they have to drive the cattle the length of the show ring and herd them into the holding pen. I can tell you, these cattle are wily and leap over the fence, push the horses out of the way - it's hilarious.

    It's also extremely dusty - not good for the camera gear :cry
    Creating visual and verbal images that resonate with you.
    Picadilly, NB, Canada
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