Cannot upload photos
I reported this problem on Saturday but in the wrong place I guess. I was uploading photos to my website in all categories fine on Wednesday and Thursday morning. I stopped because of your maintenance program. Now I cannot upload any photos. It just logs out! I use the simple method. I have a PC with Windows XP. Please fix the problem. I have more photos I want to download. I am also going to send a e-mail to Doc Walker to fix the domain speed problem because I'm not sure how to fix it myself.
We have found that updating your current installation of java will typically resolve this issue.
Follow these steps to make sure your java is up to date for a PC:
1) Go to
2) Click on "Do I have Java?" and wait for the test to run.
3) Follow the steps to get the latest version of Java if you need it.
If you have a Mac, it is even easier, just click on the Apple Menu and run the "Software Update" to get the latest version of Java.
Please let us know if you continue to have problems.
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Andy -
This is not a Java problem. I have the latest version. What next? I still can't upload. It was fine before you guys did maintenance.
at the end of the url. Hit enter. Let the new applet load, 'accept' it, and try that?
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That didn't work BUT I was able to get into my website through and THEN I was able to download photos. I don't know why this works when going into my domain directly doesn't, but at least I can download photos somehow. Any other suggestions? Thanks for the help.
Can you try uploading using Firefox? See if the same problem happens there. Get it here: Try logging into your site using the custom domain and upload some photos. That will let us know if the problem is browser related or not.
I changed the password on my login account and now it seems I can upload. Strange. I guess I will change my password more often. Thanks for the help.
I tried Firefox and could not load photos either. When I changed my password in Explorer I could download photos but once I logged out, I couldn't get into downloading again. I guess I'm going to have to change my password every time I want to load photos. I just don't understand why I have a problem.
Did you try clearing both sets of cookies for your SmugMug URL and your custom domain?
look for
and your type cookies and delete them. When you visit the site again, you will need to login again. But, once a new cookie is created for each URL version, it should help.
Also, could you try the new uploader to see if it will install for you. Basically you'll be adding the following to the end of the url on the add photos page to bring up the new uploader: &applet=10
Hi Rich-
I tried several times to clear the cache and cookies. Logged in, clicked on "add photos," clicked on "Simple" uploader and still nothing. I even tried using the &applet=10 you mentioned above - still no luck. Then, I did the above again and tried using other uploaders, but still the same - no loading of the java applet in the middle of the smugmug page like normal (under the etc... page).
As far as a "trust" dialog, it never comes up. What should I try next??? Thanks again.
Hi Doc-
I installed Firefox and still nothing. I've now tried three different browsers. I'm thinking something is going wrong on SmugMug's end, since I haven't done anything new to my computer since the last time I uploaded pictures. Plus, it seems more than a coincidence that Tilley had the same problem and posted this thread... If you want me to try something else, I'm game. Just let me know. However, I would really like to get this working today, if possible, so I can upload some new photos. Thanks.
UPDATE- I figured it out...The problem had to do with the "remember me" check box under the log in window not being checked. So when I would go to choose the uploader, it would take me to the new page, but I wasn't logged in. Once I noticed the new page had "login" instead of "logout" indicated at the bottom, I tried clicking on the login and logged in again. Then, it redirected me back to the page for my gallery and the java applet loaded this time. So I just need to make sure the "remember me" box is checked when I log in, otherwise, the uploader page won't work. Done and done. I'll let you know if anything else happens, but I think this will work. Yeah....
Hi Guys I cant get anything to happen on the new uloader page it freezes and I have to shut down my computer to get off the page... help please and Thanks Randall
We have found that updating your current installation of java will typically resolve this issue.
Follow these steps to make sure your java is up to date for a PC:
1) Go to
2) Click on "Do I have Java?" and wait for the test to run.
3) Follow the steps to get the latest version of Java if you need it.
If you have a Mac, it is even easier, just click on the Apple Menu and run the "Software Update" to get the latest version of Java.
Please let us know if you continue to have problems.
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