Got Acrylic?

Following the promised RAW support, our (in:-)famous "s/w behemoth" deployed its first beta copy of a new PS-like tool, Acrylic.
Based on a previously acquired Expression s/w, its support forum, which I checked, shows pretty cold receiption thus far. Most of the beta users are disappointed - which is pretty understandable considering the circumstances.
They also say that it's no match for PS, at least in its current state..
Well, I guess we'll see...
You frienldly MS watch
Based on a previously acquired Expression s/w, its support forum, which I checked, shows pretty cold receiption thus far. Most of the beta users are disappointed - which is pretty understandable considering the circumstances.
They also say that it's no match for PS, at least in its current state..
Well, I guess we'll see...
You frienldly MS watch
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I hope it gets but as it is now....All I can see is they put some PS filters into a different interface....
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso