When and what lens filters?
I'm of course referring to filters that enhance general photography, not a warming or colored filter that might be used for a specialized situation.
I realize I've over-generalized a bit here. Abridged answers are fine.
I know about polarizers. Are UV or "skylight" filters still necessary in the year 2005, and why? Seems to me that's the sort of thing that would be coated on a lens anyway? :huh
I realize I've over-generalized a bit here. Abridged answers are fine.
I know about polarizers. Are UV or "skylight" filters still necessary in the year 2005, and why? Seems to me that's the sort of thing that would be coated on a lens anyway? :huh
Do you use a lens filter on your lens, and if so, why (beyond protection)?
Generally, my covey of filters includes a Circular Poloraizar, Neutral Density
and a split ND (soft edge).
I do use UV filters but mostly for protection. Replacing the filter is bound
to be less expensive than a lens element
The ND's are used when I want to increase the exposure time. For example,
Ed Hughe's Pacific Grove Sunset was probably shot using an ND to get that
soft water look. Split Neutral Density is, as the name implies, split between
no and some filtering. Used when you want to preserve the bright sky when
shooting a darker forground. ND's come in a variety of different densities. Any
where from 1 or 2 stops on up.
Does that answer your question?
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso