B&W conversion is still a new thing for me. I did this one using a ColorFX filter, but I need to play with this for a while. Not sure I trust my own eye yet.
I shot this at this time...LAST night. But I know where these buggers live and have taken dozens of these in the past. Seems like nice contrast when you take these drab pigeons, against the dark metal background, and change them to B&W...have to get a handle on the theme a little better though and work on my B&W conversion. Just might fill this thread with bird poo for a couple of days...or, I'll think of something else.
Thanks for the feedback. Rain today, but I'm going to go back, and hopefully find that same contrast-y bird and ask her to turn around the next time. The conversion is a little too dark. I think it would be better if you could see the texture of the iron cubby it was standing in.
I like it... however, I don't like the line coming up from his tail feathers...
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
well looks like you are gonna have to hit Brian up, he is the bird whisperer "slash" photographer you know... perhaps see what he charges..:photo:lol4
Well, if he is too expensive you could always add the black space in PS.. but what is the fun in that..
Good luck with it..:ivar
nice photos...
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
How about:
(Kinda miss the pigeons though.)
Nice photos..