nice! I love Night Blooming Cereus (which is what it is) --- they bloom ONCE and then you get 1 night to play with the camera! Ours (we have some 200 all bloom) seem to bloom all on the same night.
nice! I love Night Blooming Cereus (which is what it is) --- they bloom ONCE and then you get 1 night to play with the camera! Ours (we have some 200 all bloom) seem to bloom all on the same night.
I just posted my shots in the Other category.
Love how close up you got - how did you light it?
Actually, this is not a Night Blooming Cerius but I have one of those too. My Mom gave me a leaf twenty years ago and in twenty years the thing hasn't bloomed once! My Mom's blooms yearly and is loaded with blooms; the fragrance is unforgetable!
This bloom came from a tall, hairy and skinny cactus. I can't recall its name but it is my favorite cactus bloom.
Thanks for the comment. I had hoped to do the bloom justice! I purposely waited until early morning light. The sunrise would be behind the bloom so all the lighting used was the sun. I took several because of the bees that would not go away! The flower was huge so I had no problem getting in very close (didn't use a macro lens).
Actually, this is not a Night Blooming Cerius but I have one of those too. My Mom gave me a leaf twenty years ago and in twenty years the thing hasn't bloomed once! My Mom's blooms yearly and is loaded with blooms; the fragrance is unforgetable!
This bloom came from a tall, hairy and skinny cactus. I can't recall its name but it is my favorite cactus bloom.
Thanks for the comment. I had hoped to do the bloom justice! I purposely waited until early morning light. The sunrise would be behind the bloom so all the lighting used was the sun. I took several because of the bees that would not go away! The flower was huge so I had no problem getting in very close (didn't use a macro lens).
hi Eia --- I think it is a cereus still - there are many varieties --- some like mine (other thread) that are larger cactus, some are just rope thin cactus that look all scraggly and maybe just 1 lone piece in a pot, then they bloom one night. Those are the kind we have at our local botanical gardens. We have a few different variations in our yard --- including a 2 story large many armed cactus that blooms on top!
Your comment is very kind - thank you!
Which cactus is this flower from?
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A very tall skinny one with a lot of hair!
I don't know the techy name. They grow in clusters
Thanks for your kind word!
If I was to nitpick a bit, there are some blown out areas in the top right and lower left corners that are a bit distracting.
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Thank you for your comment; I appreciate that. I have a few other shots and will work on this one a bit more.
What a stunning image, such a wonderful colors and depth of detail in the center part.
Very nicely done.
Burleson, Texas
i will post some of mine from this year too... it amazes me how they only survive just about one day.... its unfair
the overall balance. But its still works neatly as is.
Awesome shot!!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
nice! I love Night Blooming Cereus (which is what it is) --- they bloom ONCE and then you get 1 night to play with the camera! Ours (we have some 200 all bloom) seem to bloom all on the same night.
I just posted my shots in the Other category.
Love how close up you got - how did you light it?
Actually, this is not a Night Blooming Cerius but I have one of those too. My Mom gave me a leaf twenty years ago and in twenty years the thing hasn't bloomed once! My Mom's blooms yearly and is loaded with blooms; the fragrance is unforgetable!
This bloom came from a tall, hairy and skinny cactus. I can't recall its name but it is my favorite cactus bloom.
Thanks for the comment. I had hoped to do the bloom justice! I purposely waited until early morning light. The sunrise would be behind the bloom so all the lighting used was the sun. I took several because of the bees that would not go away! The flower was huge so I had no problem getting in very close (didn't use a macro lens).
hi Eia --- I think it is a cereus still - there are many varieties --- some like mine (other thread) that are larger cactus, some are just rope thin cactus that look all scraggly and maybe just 1 lone piece in a pot, then they bloom one night. Those are the kind we have at our local botanical gardens. We have a few different variations in our yard --- including a 2 story large many armed cactus that blooms on top!
I have such a hard time taking photos of any flower that is white
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Hi Chris....nice to see someone here from the beautiful state of ND