Kerry and Group; I have a Question
I read the rules and think I understand on this issue, but want to be absolutely sure..
For the black and white contest, I was thinking of maybe doing a series shot..
3 photos in the series... Now I know we are not allowed to have frames on the photos, so how do I separate each photo in the series? and is a series even allowed?
I looked at the rules and it looks like a 1 point line is allowed to separate them? is this correct? I think it is the same thing I am talking about.. 3 photos make one...
Also,,, are we allowed to write on each photo using a font? I noticed you allowed it in this last round with the > kboese - Out of Sight entry, so I am assuming it is allowed, but what are the specific rules.. as it may help if I need to label each series shot in some way....
are there any past examples that anyone can point out where someone did this in a contest so I can see? all help appreciated..
Thanks,,, just want to be sure before I sink the work into it..:thumb
For the black and white contest, I was thinking of maybe doing a series shot..
3 photos in the series... Now I know we are not allowed to have frames on the photos, so how do I separate each photo in the series? and is a series even allowed?
I looked at the rules and it looks like a 1 point line is allowed to separate them? is this correct? I think it is the same thing I am talking about.. 3 photos make one...
Also,,, are we allowed to write on each photo using a font? I noticed you allowed it in this last round with the > kboese - Out of Sight entry, so I am assuming it is allowed, but what are the specific rules.. as it may help if I need to label each series shot in some way....
are there any past examples that anyone can point out where someone did this in a contest so I can see? all help appreciated..
Thanks,,, just want to be sure before I sink the work into it..:thumb
I prefer no text unless it's part of the challenge (like the book cover round). I did allow it this time, but I thought long and hard about it, and I'm still on the fence. It could begin to look like a large watermark, and the photo should tell the story without textual aide (again, unless it's part of a round's theme). I also find typography very distracting, and the last thing I want is to be distracted from an image.
In short, I'd advise against text. You never know when I might think it's gone into watermark territory.
As for a "many photos in one" sample, here's one: (sorry, it's my own, but the first one I thought of is buried in the boards somewhere--before we went to gallery format).
I will just avoid the text altogether.. live on the safe side, if ya know what I mean...
not to be a pain.. but another 2 questions.. It will qualify as "many" in this competition right? even if the subject is the same over and over?
and one more thing.. On some of these triptych's I notice there is space instead of a dividing line.. and often times the space is a rather large gap between each photo. Is this allowed? as it may seem to appear there is a huge line there especially in a contrasting black and white series when there is not.. for instance I am thinking about rusting in or eroding in the edges of each photo and then bringing them together.. so it may make it look like there are huge gaps between each photo....
Here is an example, there is not added dividing line, but because the edges are raised up, it looks like there are big lines
Just want to be sure.. I will definitely post them for C&C and your review prior..
no more questions,, promise..
Loved yours... very creative... and from the looks of it I am not limited to (3) photos inside....
Thanks a Million..
My SmugMug
Thanks for the link...
Yes, that is a triptych, and I want to either do one of those with three, or a series like the one that Kerry posted of her own work...
I just hope I can pull it off.. I have been wanting to try one of these for a long time now...
If that's your interpretation.
The example you posted looks like a frame, and I would DQ it. Stick to no space or a 1-pt divider line is the best advice I can give.
I do know that when you take the color away "and" then only put a 1 pt. border it is going to make it difficult. I just wanted to try one of these, but may hold off on the black and white round... Whatever I decide to do, I needed to get the rules down for it, so when I do shoot it, I don't get DQ'ed.. Very much appreciated Thanks....