How separate out the virtual copies without filling up original folder?
I would like to make black/white and sepia virtual copies of the same image but move them to separate collection folders.
If i make Virtual copies of the image I find that they show up in the original folder which makes it hard to manage. Instead of 100 images in original folder I now have 300 images to manage.
How do I keep the 100 images in original folder but move the 100 virtual copies into a b/w collection and 100 virtual copies to sepia collection? What is best workflow way to do this?
If i make Virtual copies of the image I find that they show up in the original folder which makes it hard to manage. Instead of 100 images in original folder I now have 300 images to manage.
How do I keep the 100 images in original folder but move the 100 virtual copies into a b/w collection and 100 virtual copies to sepia collection? What is best workflow way to do this?
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I did create a collection and dragged the original images to the collection. I found that once I edited the collection to black/white- the same change appeared in the original image. Collections are linked to the original.
I want virtual copies for black/white versiion but I want it separated out in different folder/collection. What is the best way to do this?
Drag and drop just the VC's into a collection. You can also make a Smart Collection whereby "Copy Name" isn't empty (as VC's are automatically named in this metadata field). Every time you make a VC, it will have a Copy Name in this field and the smart collection will populate with the VC.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I think my problem is once I select 100 images and create virtual copies in the original folder, how do I sort out the virtual copies from the original images so I can easily select just the virtual copies and drag them to collection. Each virtual copy is displayed next to its original image so I have to click on every other image which can be tedious when there are hundred of images in folder.
Build a smart collection as described above.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Ok this is what i did and saw
I created some virtual copies in a folder
I created smart collection where Copy Name is not empty.
I saw that it added ALL virtual copies from ALL folders into this smart collection. I only want it to add VC's from a specific folder.
Also I see the virtual copies are still displayed in the original folder. I want to remove or not display the VC's from original folder because it just adds to the clutter. I only want them to be displayed in another collection/folder
1. Update the Smart Collection to target the original folder.
2. You can't not have VC's linked in their original location from the original Raws.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I saw the filter by Copy Status which filters out VC's from being displayed in the original folder. This helps a lot in removing the clutter
actually you don't even need to create smart collection - just filter by VC's and then select all and create a new collection. easy!