Choosing New Domain Name

Hi, Im new to smugmug. :wave
I also have a photo website that Ive built myself but have decided last week to migrate my photo galleries to a smugmug power account website since it will be easier to maintain. I love the fact that it will be very customizable. One thing that I have struggled with is choosing a new .com custom domain name for my new smugmug home. Since thousands of .com names have been hoarded, it has not been an easy task to find a suitable one. My website will focus primarily on animals and the world outside, but not exclusively. I have tentatively chosen as the name but it is not too late to change it since I have just started the website. I have also considered,, and as alternatives So I would appreciate your opinion regarding my chosen domain name before I finalize my decision. Which one(s) would be the most appealing to you and easy to remember? Thanks very much for any and all input. :bow
I also have a photo website that Ive built myself but have decided last week to migrate my photo galleries to a smugmug power account website since it will be easier to maintain. I love the fact that it will be very customizable. One thing that I have struggled with is choosing a new .com custom domain name for my new smugmug home. Since thousands of .com names have been hoarded, it has not been an easy task to find a suitable one. My website will focus primarily on animals and the world outside, but not exclusively. I have tentatively chosen as the name but it is not too late to change it since I have just started the website. I have also considered,, and as alternatives So I would appreciate your opinion regarding my chosen domain name before I finalize my decision. Which one(s) would be the most appealing to you and easy to remember? Thanks very much for any and all input. :bow
The best names are short and easy to remember. While a company's name should give an indication of what the company does, that doesn't have to extend to the domain name. Cisco Systems, Inc is just ""
So if they're not taken, I'd lean more towards something like "" or ""
Search engines are going to find your site - so you don't have to worry that the name doesn't describe what you do. What you want is to get a sale from the person you talked to when you didn't have a business card on you because your domain name stuck in his head long enough for him to go to it that evening. So even if it's something like "," "," (all taken I'm sure - but you get the point) i.e. just a related word/phrase, it will still work.
So worry more about making it memorable and less about it describing your services.
Nikon D300, 18-135/3.5-5.6, 70-300/4.5-5.6, SB800
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Thanks Aaron for your suggestion. Believe me, I have thought of that. My current website is a .org site. I want a .com site this time and the .com version guessed it......taken! Its amazing how many .com names have been bought up. There are plenty of good .org names still available, but finding desirable .com names is requiring much more creative thinking.
Also if you're doing this part time and it has your name for the business name you can just add it to your regular income at tax simplifies things in the beginning.........I went thru several names over the years trying to find myself so to speak and realized I wanted my work to be know as MY WORK............
Thanks Art. You have excellent points and I have thought of using my own name, but I have been resisting it because it is not the most memorable last name! That would be I think people would mispell it all the time, dont you? By the way, you have a very nice gallery at your website (not that I'm trying to suck up or anything!
sounds to tech-y imo...
i appreciate the good words thanx for the compliment.....never taken as a suck up:D
The only prob here, at least to me , is I would expect to see just photos thru a micro-scope ot macro images at least.....that is the first thing that comes to mind with that name.......
Your input along with Aaron's and others are well taken. Thank you. I have other ideas in my head too. The search continues. To be continued......
We're here waiting to see next post and if we can help then that is a good thing.................................i hope.
IMHO, you want your site to find clients for you. If you have to point your site out to potential clients, things may not go so well, as far as Internet advertising goes.
Your domain name should include a key word or phrase, regarding your service. "Photography," "photo," "images," "pro photo," "camera," etc., come to mind.
Run a Google, MSN and Yahoo search for folks advertising in your service area. Type in key words that "Joe Customer" might punch in, when looking for your specific services. You might be surprised at how few services pop up on page one, or how many are lumped into a group by "referral services."
Sorry to ramble....
Domain name is not as important as your site's key words, layout and format, as far as the big 3 search engines go. I'll shut up now.
Thanks for your valuable input. --Terry
Indeed, I believe ".com" is overrated, as well. It is superior when people can't quite remember your site URL, though.
I like "" Dot org might instill the common thought that one is getting something for free, discounted, or dealing with a government agency.
My only concern would be search results if folks type in partial words, like "wild + photo + ________(fill in the blank with anything)." That probably won't happen, but some "interesting" sites might pop up if it did. :wow
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