Missing Pictures - incomplete upload
I'm using Star Explorer, current version. I've had this problem before and I'm getting really tired of it. I upload, for instance, my most recent gallery of 276 photos, I get two errors, which Star Explorer showed me. I upload those two files. Go to the gallery and instead of 276 pictures, there are only 266 pictures. I now get to look at every picture to figure out which ones are missing because my stats page only shows the two errors, not the missing 10 photos. What is causing this? It's getting to be quite frustrating, not too big a deal with a gallery of 276 photos, but a 2000 image wedding is impossible to fix.
Ouch I just bought this application a few days ago and so far I have had only one upload do this but I just re loaded the 1 image that failed. I did not think to count the pictures to make sure they all got up there. I guess I had better recheck.
But my understanding is that this is a 3rd party app so I might try going to http://www.starexplorer.com/ and see if you can find help there. I have no idea if they watch these forums or not.
I can assure you that the missing images are outside S*E realm. If a file dosn't get through (i.e. ID is not received) it stays in the queue, period. Some can get stuck in the SM entry for hours and days (I still have one that stuck in image processing state for months now, I'm simply curious if it ever gets through:-) but get lost by S*E it can not.
If you email me the log file from that session I'll gladly help to to identify the problem.
This is a correct behaviour. Upload may fail, there maybe tons of reasons for that. But the image will stay in the S*E queue. You can also instruct it to repeat upload untill all files are through.
And yes, I don't necessarily watch this forum
I've had some time to play with the files that didn't upload and it seems that any JPG larger than 10 megabytes will not upload (the limits are 24mb and 48mp). So I don't really understand the problem. When I try to add the files individually using the SmugMug simple uploader, FireFox crashes.
The only thing I was able to do was re-save as a 5mb file. I'm currently using Lightroom to output from RAW at 96%, strangely the file sizes have a huge variation, from 2.5mb to over 12. I guess I'll just have to start adding more compression to ensure this doesn't happen any more.
My typical workflow is camera-Lightroom-ACDSEE Pro (for renaming only, setting exif info) - Star Explorer - SmugMug. Again, I guess I've figured out the larger file sizes just don't work for me for some reason.
Just in case: default S*E max size is 8mb (original SM limit), so it will reject anything larger than that You can configure it to whatever you want, photo and video separately.
You can also configure timeouts. There is a definite dependency between the file size and time needed to return an ID. Worst case scenario, you can switch S*E to a no-wait mode. Naturally in this case S*E would have no idea if file actually made it there (unless it broke in the middle of a file uplaod), so some file losses would be possible - in that case only...