A young model/actress in my area needed headshots and asked me to do them for her. Here's the results.
1. This is the one her agent chose.

2. Other one agent liked

3. 3rd choice

4. Though the background is a little too distracting for a headshot, Reagan liked this picture (and the next one)


As always, c&c appreciated.
1. This is the one her agent chose.

2. Other one agent liked

3. 3rd choice

4. Though the background is a little too distracting for a headshot, Reagan liked this picture (and the next one)


As always, c&c appreciated.
Visit my galleries at: http://psphotos.smugmug.com/ and/or http://pollettsquaredphotography.smugmug.com
Only nit is that first one actually looks a tad soft on my monitor - perhaps run a high pass filter on it if that's not simply a result of resizing for the web?
Nice job.
I also liked #5 a lot, but the agent thought the angle a little too severe & the natural background a little too distracting. He thought #3 looked too much like a school picture. I didn't edit that one because it wasn't chosen or I would have brightened the teeth a little bit. I don't have to convert these to b&w because the industry's headshot style is moving to color (at least in our area) and all the local agencies require color.
I think the softness on #1 is due to re-sizing. The image itself is pretty sharp and it printed up nicely.
I shot all of these outside in natural light. I had someone hold colored poster board several feet behind the model to eliminate background distractions. Some of the background colors 'worked' and some, uh...didn't!
Thanks again,
In all areas, to my knowledge. Even in opera (typically the MOST conservative and behind the times branch of the peforming arts photographically) colour is becoming the norm - sometimes they'll ask for BW for print program requirements, but in general colour is totally acceptable now which it wasn't even as little as 3 year ago. Ditto electronic submissions, which is why crops are now more varied than they used to be.
That said - I still like to have a good BW conversion of my own stuff, and thus when I'm doing headshots I offer one because I'd rather it was MY conversion than somebody who just hits a generic converter. I've seen some of those in print, and they're not pretty....
And yes, Nikolai, anything more than very minor ps is very frowned upon in a headshot. The agencies here don't mind removal of temporary blemishes or very slight whitening of teeth, but they don't want anything else done to a headshot.
Thanks to you both.