Axe a question

I wanted to find out what that thing is that this guy had slung over his shoulder, but he was not approachable.

Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
You mean the guitar? Or what type of guitar?
From the look of the headstock I'd say it's a Kleven. You can see an example here.
I knew it was a guitar or at least guitar-shaped. The four things that look like batteries in the view baffle me. I've never seen a battery-powered guitar.
Also, normally I would think that a person would carry a guitar with the strings outward. The way he's got it strapped on might damage the instrument because the strings are raised from the neck.
I have a hunch that this is more a piece of art than it is a working guitar.
I would agree that little consideration is being shown to the instrument. It wouldn't take much to break some strings carrying it in that fashion. But, like you said, perhaps he carries it just to carry it.