Lightroom2 Workflow Question

So....I got my first MacBook Pro (first Mac ever) this week and loaded Lightroom2.
On my old PC, I used an older version of Photoshop and wanted to utilize what Lightroom has to offer on my Mac. (Nothing like biting off more changes than you can chew!)
With Photoshop, I edited a photo, saved it as an edited version and uploaded the edited version to a SM gallery. With Lightroom2, after editing, is there a SAVE function for the edited photo?
What am I missing? :scratch :scratch
I didn't seem to be able to export the edited photo back to my hard drive folder (or somewhere I could upload to SM from.)
I'm not yet using the LR upload feature directly to SM. I downloaded MacDaddy to use.
Hope this isn't too confusing to follow. I just need to get comfortable with a new workflow.
On my old PC, I used an older version of Photoshop and wanted to utilize what Lightroom has to offer on my Mac. (Nothing like biting off more changes than you can chew!)
With Photoshop, I edited a photo, saved it as an edited version and uploaded the edited version to a SM gallery. With Lightroom2, after editing, is there a SAVE function for the edited photo?
What am I missing? :scratch :scratch
I didn't seem to be able to export the edited photo back to my hard drive folder (or somewhere I could upload to SM from.)
I'm not yet using the LR upload feature directly to SM. I downloaded MacDaddy to use.
Hope this isn't too confusing to follow. I just need to get comfortable with a new workflow.
In LR2 there is no save command because you are writing changes to an .xmp file in your LR2 catalog (database) associated with the image file that is being edited. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
You can export your edited files to another folder in your system or to any disc attached to your system. In the Library module click on Export, then in the top of the export window choose Files on Disk, then from there you can change the export location, file name, file name, file settings, image sizing, output sharpening, metadata, and Post Processing options. I suggest that you spend a little time to familiarize yourself with the choices in each of these menus. Then you can direct MacDaddy to that folder to upload your images. Hope this helps!<o:p></o:p>
Smugmug Support Hero
Thanks for the info! I watched numerous video tutorials on LR2 today and somehow couldn't wrap my brain around getting them out of LR and back onto my external hard drive the way I wanted them.
Thanks for the help! I'm also ordering Scott Kelby's book on LR2.
SM forums rock! Always great folks to help out those of us with questions!
Justus Photography
Also check out Martin Evening's book: "The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book - The Complete Guide For Photographers". ISBN-13: 978-0-321-55561-8. Amazon has a good price on this book.
Smugmug Support Hero
Will do. I also just ordered Scott Kelby's LR 2 Book for Digital Photographers.
I'm getting the hang of it, one step at a time, but I'm sure you're right.
The books are a must and will be a big help.:D
Justus Photography
You could always try the smugmug plugin for Lightroom 2. Remember the edits you make to Lightroom are kept in a text file which means the originals are not actually "touched". Hence Nondistructive editing. Oh yeah and Lightroom 2 by Scott Kelby...Its awesome I highly recommended. Also check out Anything and everything ya wanna know about lightroom.