Egret In Black And White

Going into the marsh at
Magnolia Gardens, it is
really all marsh. I saw this
bird, gorgeous, IMO. This is
one of the few I like best in
black and white.

A little cooler in the workup, but I like this one, too. This one before the above one: in real time.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I do have to agree with all of you:D
I know how I worked that up, probably no one cares, but I thought of it just before I went to bed, on the blk white difference top and bottom.
The top I worked up in sepia first in hue/sat, a slight sepia, then, being in a hurry, went straight to channels and worked it up there, then the tad +2 of black, and somehow ended up with a pleasing blk white color different from the other one, with no sepia there.
Maybe I didn't check the mono box in channels will have to check. The bird was just sitting on that thing looking gorgeous, then looked as if to take off. I have a sequence of the four. When he took off, he almost went into green stuff right away. So much green, never have noticed all the green here before. Photography sure does open one's eyes, doesn't it.
Yes, why would want to make a bird shot blk and white? I guess you do anything long enough..............I like it, am glad you all did, too.
ginger, thanks,
gotta go get coffee (I didn't know it was so hot here Monday, I was comfortable. Too cold yesterday when I went to a/c places, and mine is on now, but not that much. No wonder the birds were not moving much on Monday, don't know how they survive.
Of course I did see a red winged blackbird, looked like he was on acid.)
never crossed my mind to one in b&w
nice work G
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"