Banner smaller and off to one side.

Maybe I should have put this here...but I didn't see the bug area until afterwards.
I've checked other smug sites and see similar issues.
I have people looking for my shots from yesterday so this is really bad timing.
To restate the issues:
Banner was smaller and offset to the it's gone.
Slide show won't run on the home page.
Can't open any of my galleries.
Can't view any photos I have linked to forums.
Can't even get to my photos while logged in.
This is not good.
I'm beginning to freak out here people.
I've checked other smug sites and see similar issues.
I have people looking for my shots from yesterday so this is really bad timing.
To restate the issues:
Banner was smaller and offset to the it's gone.
Slide show won't run on the home page.
Can't open any of my galleries.
Can't view any photos I have linked to forums.
Can't even get to my photos while logged in.
This is not good.
I'm beginning to freak out here people.
Always lurking, sometimes participating. 

Anyone? Anyone?
Not sure if someone is working on the issue...but suddenly my galleries are back...
Slideshow on homepage works...
Banner is still smaller and offset to the left....:cry
My site is all back to normal now.
"Just a glitch" isn't the answer I'm looking for. It seems after loading a few pics to my site just a bit ago, the site slowed way down for a bit, not sure why that would have anything to do with adding photos, but the time before last that I added photos my site went nuts, pretty much shut down.
I just want to have the peaceful loving feeling again....:D