Your website CAN make money

Just a quickie to encourage anyone who is feeling as though their SM website is not carrying it's own or making money for you.
While I have sold images off my SM site in Pro Sales (not much though) the bulk of the business I have gotten has been from someone who found one of my images in a Google search (and not necessarily Google image search).
My last recent catch is a fellow who found one of my images in a Google search that has led to a nice photo assignment that so far has resulted in a few hundred dollars in sales but could add up in the thousands by the time we are done with his project if all goes smoothly.
Keep promoting your site every way you can both off line and online and IF your content is desirable, you'll find business.
I wish you success... Happy photo shooting!
While I have sold images off my SM site in Pro Sales (not much though) the bulk of the business I have gotten has been from someone who found one of my images in a Google search (and not necessarily Google image search).
My last recent catch is a fellow who found one of my images in a Google search that has led to a nice photo assignment that so far has resulted in a few hundred dollars in sales but could add up in the thousands by the time we are done with his project if all goes smoothly.
Keep promoting your site every way you can both off line and online and IF your content is desirable, you'll find business.
I wish you success... Happy photo shooting!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!