Replacing pics once they are ordered
Please help! I do mostly event photography. I am unable to edit every pic before it goes onto my smugmug website. Once people order pics, I do some basic editing (crop, remove blemish, straighten etc). I then try to replace the pic that they order with the corrected one from Lightroom 1.4 (I know I haven't upgraded). The corrected pic will not upload, it appears OK in Lightroom, but when I search for the pic on the computer using the replace button on the smugmug website I can only find the the original unedited one. I have tried a search and have been unable to solve this issue using the information that I have found. Can someone please give me some advice?
* in sRGB Color Space
* not larger than 48 Megapixels
* not larger than 24 Megabytes
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In order to have a jpg of the edited photo, you must export it from Lightroom and save it somewhere on your harddrive. The way I do it, I have a subfolder within the specific shoot folder - this I use for finished, edited and exported photos. You could replace the original jpg with the newly exported one, but that goes against the whole concept and could theoretically leave you with a subpar image - jpg recompressed to jpg.
I hope that helps. I apologize if I misunderstood your dilema.