Who can answer this?
Ok when dealing with a raw file in the camera raw software I do my initial adjustments. I then open the image and it brings me into photoshop elements. This is where I add an unsharpen mask and use noise reduction software. Then I save the image as a jpeg. My question is, if I am doing the noise reduction and ssharpening before I save as jpeg are those adjustments saved on the raw file? Should I be duplicating my raw file once in elements and then doing sharpening and noise reduction or are these adjustments not saved on the true raw file? Thanks!
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Jen http://jnrphotography.smugmug.com/
Visit concert photographer Jennifer Rondinelli Reilly's official website!
Visit Jennifer Rondinelli Reilly's concert, music, and band photography blog!
Jen http://jnrphotography.smugmug.com/
Visit concert photographer Jennifer Rondinelli Reilly's official website!
Visit Jennifer Rondinelli Reilly's concert, music, and band photography blog!
The RAW file is not changed.